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Modern AU, Second Chance

It'd been 13 months since she last saw him. Neither did he respond to her calls and messages nor did he try to contact her all those past months. Why now? What did he want with her after all this time? He had already moved on in his life and she finally started to move forward as well. What would he gain from this meeting when there was nothing left in between them?

Sakura wondered while waiting for her ex-boyfriend, Sasuke Uchiha. The popular and loved superstar Sasuke, who also happened to be her first love. She'd met him on the set of a movie they were doing together. They fell in love while shooting for the movie and the audience loved both their onscreen and offscreen chemistry. They quickly became the new 'IT' couple. They were happy with each other and the fans loved them together. That was until a year ago when they started having problems and broke their relationship.

Sakura hadn't talked to him since and suddenly a week ago Sasuke contacted her and asked to meet for dinner. That too on their favorite place where he took her for their first date. Sakura was hesitant about this but eventually agreed to meet him. Now she was growing anxious and wondered if she made a mistake agreeing to the dinner.

Not a minute later Sasuke walked in, looking as handsome as ever in his black suit, a wristwatch in his left hand, and the golden cufflinks. Everything about him was the same when he used to show up for their date except for the absent bouquet of tulips he always bought for her.

"Sakura," He spoke when he reached her. She stood up not knowing how to greet him. Should she give him a hug or shake hands? "Hi," That was all she managed.

"You look great," He complimented and she hated him for managing to make her blush into just a minute of their reunion.

"Thanks, you too," She said as they both took their seat. Sakura felt awkward in his presence having no idea how should she act and what to say to him.

"Thank you for meeting me today. I didn't expect you to agree," He broke the silence.

"I didn't think I would agree but I owed it to myself to get a proper closure," She responded.

A moment passed until Sasuke replied with a hum. Sakura was thankful to the waiter who came to take their orders. But alas, the awkward tension came back again. They had small conversations till their food came. Feeling impatient Sakura decided to get to the main point.

"Why did you call me here?" Sakura asked rather harshly. "It's been over a year and now you want to talk?"

"Sakura, I've wanted to talk for a while-"

"And yet you never did," She interrupted him. " I called you and left numerous messages. I put my ego aside and tried to have a conversation but you didn't even bother to pick up a call. What got into you so all of a sudden? Why now?"

"I'm sorry I didn't respond to you," He apologized.

"You should be, you hurt me more when you didn't even bother to reply to my text. Just a few words would have been fine. I didn't expect us to get back together, I just wanted to talk," She poured out the things that she kept inside her. "Was I not that important to you? I thought our relationship was special enough for you to not blindside me like that." Sasuke was silent the whole time which frustrated Sakura. "Say something Sasuke, did you even love me?"

"I loved you," He snapped out suddenly. "Don't you dare doubt my feelings like that. I loved you more than anything. I still," He paused.

"What?" She asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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