Butterfly 🦋

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Cannon Universe, Blank Period

"Let's cheer for team 7 being together after a long time," a drunk Naruto shouted excitedly as the team dinned in Ichiraku. Sasuke returned to Konoha last night and the team was having a reunion.

"Don't be so loud dumbass," Sasuke complained not liking the attention from other customers. Unlike the blonde, he preferred privacy and peace.

"Oh! C'mon, we are having fun tonight, right Sakura-chan?" Naruto faced his best friend.

"You're right Naruto but keep it down a little, alright."

"I'm not even that loud."

"Everyone walking by is looking at us," Sasuke exclaimed.

"But I'm with both of my best friends and having so much fun here," He puts his arms around the shoulders of two people at each of his sides, "Everyone looks at these two, they are my best friends."

Sasuke exhales a breath while Sakura chuckles at Naruto's goofiness. Naruto stands up and begins again," He is my brother and she is my sister," He pauses, "Now it sounds kinda weird since they are so much into each other." He starts laughing.

"NARUTO!" Sakura yelled at the blonde, "Enough now, you're too drunk. Sit down and eat." Amid Sakura lecturing Naruto they don't notice hints of red on Sasuke's ears.

A minute later someone finally enters the place," Sorry to keep you guys waiting, you see I ran into T-."

"We don't even wanna hear it sensei so stop with the excuses," Naruto screamed at his former teacher. "It's not like we were expecting you to show up in time," Sakura said in a frustrated tone and Sasuke rolled his eyes at him. Still no respect, Kakashi said in his mind.

"Yeh, but couldn't you show up in time for one time? I don't like being a third wheel between these two every time. I swear they give the sex eye to each other every time they meet." Kakashi's eyes widened, Sasuke was throwing draggers at Naruto and Sakura hid her face with the menu.

The team had their dinner enjoying the good time before they had to go back to the real world. Being important figures they rarely had any free time for relaxing and having fun Plus Sasuke being outside of the village didn't give them a chance to spend time with all of them together.

Some time later they were ready to head back. "I'm gonna drop Naruto so Sasuke please walk Sakura home," Kakashi left with that. The air was suddenly tense after that. Sasuke and Sakura had old unresolved feelings they needed to sort out. Sakura was always open about her feelings towards Sasuke but she had no idea about his feelings. Before leaving for his redemption journey Sasuke started to realize how much Sakura always meant to him and now since he's accepted that he feels deeply for her, Sasuke didn't know how to act or express that to her.

It was quiet between them on their way to Sakura's home. They both were alone for the first time since he had returned. Naruto was present with them when they met before. Sakura wanted them to be comfortable with each other. She looked at Sasuke to find him with his hands inside his pocket. Is he feeling uncomfortable? She thought.

"Are you fine, Sasuke?" She asked.

"I'm alright," He said without looking at her.

"Are you sure? You seem quite uncomfortable," She hesitated before asking," Is it about what Naruto was saying? If it is don't take it seriously, he was drunk and that was Naruto, he keeps babbling nonsense all the time."

"It's not that, I'm used to his mischief by now," He replied.

Sakura wanted to ask what was bothering him but decided to keep quiet. She knew he had something to say but didn't want to pry too much. After a long time, she and Sasuke finally established a good friendship and she didn't want to ruin that.

They reached her place in a few minutes. Sakura got her keys to open the door.

"Umm... Would you like to come in? I can make tea for us."

"Sure," Sasuke said after a small pause.

Sakura hurried into her kitchen to prepare some tea while Sasuke made himself comfortable on the sofa. When she returned with the tea, Sasuke was looking around her apartment.

"You have a nice place. It's very cozy," Sasuke expressed when he saw her.

"I love it in here. It's near to my work, the rent is fair and the size is perfect for a single person," She took a seat beside Sasuke and handed him a cup.

"So how were your travels? I hope you didn't have any difficulties," She said taking a sip.

"It was good. Not much trouble," He replied, "and how is your work going?"

Sakura smiled and began to tell him about her work. This way they started to get more comfortable with each other. Sakura talked and Sasuke listened to her and shared his thoughts in between. They chat for a while like that. Sakura still feels Sasuke has something to say.

"Do you have something to say, Sasuke," He looks at her for a while before saying, "Yes, actually I have something for you."


He takes a box from his pocket," When I was traveling, I saw this in a shop and it reminded me of you. So I got it for you as a gift," He hands it to her. Sakura opens it to find a beautiful pendant with a gold chain and a green butterfly.

"Wow! This is beautiful," she looks at it with awe, "But Sasuke this looks like it's real gold and a real gem. It must have been expensive. How can I...?"

"Sakura that doesn't matter. It's a gift, I wanted to give you this on your birthday but I thought to give you this in person. Take it as a late birthday present."

"Thank you, Sasuke. I'm gonna treasure it," She said with a big smile. Before she realized what she had done, Sakura curled her arms to hug Sasuke. She thought he was going to push her but to her surprise, he returned the hug. She laid her head on near his heart. Staying in each other's embrace for a while they pulled back.

"Can you help me put this on?" Sakura turned her back to Sasuke. He put the pendant around her neck. She turned around to face Sasuke. He looked at her beautiful face. The necklace looked beautiful around her neck. When he saw it a few months ago his thoughts had immediately gone to the pink-haired kunoichi. He remembered her from their genin days and now, she had learned to spread her wings and turned into a beautiful butterfly.

"You've grown into a beautiful butterfly, Sakura just like the one in this pendant," Sasuke said with a small smile before tapping her on the forehead. "It suits you."

A Few Years Later

"Wow, Mom this pendant is so beautiful. Can I keep it?" A young girl asked her mother.

"Yes, it's yours now," She gave her daughter a radiant smile.

"Where did you get it, mom?"

"It belonged to my mama," Sarada said to her daughter," She said it was a gift from Papa and this is one of her biggest treasures so handle it with care. She gave this to me on my 18th birthday."

"You've grown into a beautiful butterfly Sarada, just like the one in this pendant," Sarada remembered her mama saying to her, "I have treasured this pendent my whole life, now you do that too so that one day you can give this to your daughter."

"This is grandma's pendant?" Sarada gave her nod, "I am gonna treasure it, Mom. I can't get over how beautiful it is."

Sarada looked at her daughter's bright eyes which matched the pendent and always reminded her of her mama. "Just like you. You are beautiful just like this butterfly."

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