a 'proper' introduction

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It was the end of the week, that meant it was time for all of the animatronics to get maintenance checks. You didn't go to work again today, but for a different reason. Valerie asked you to take a night shifts on Fridays with her. Maybe for extra company? She normally takes day shifts as well, so that might've been it.

"Freddy's up first for diagnostics and such. Wanna see how it's done?"
She put her curly dark hair in a bun the best she could, strands of hair still falling out.
"Not really." You bluntly replied, while scratching the back of your neck.
She shrugged, "fair enough."
A pounding noise sounded from the distance, a large robot bear began stomping in here- not intentionally stomping, it's just the fact that he's a giant metal robot running.

"Hey Valerie! Hello y/n!" Creepy...it knows my name.
Just as Valerie can read my mind, she said "when a person works here, they're automatically downloaded in every animatronics database as an employee." Nice to know then. You shrugged.
"You should check 'n see how your daycare buds are doing. I'm sure Sun misses his friend!" I do not like the plural in 'buds'... You shuddered.
"Will do. Better than just sitting around and watching..kinda boring." Valerie chuckled and nodded.

This was one of your first times perfectly knowing where to find the daycare. The pizzaplex was so big you could barely find a bathroom- and there's multiple!
As usual, Sun was stacking a few barrels on top of each other one by one. Kinda fun to watch, but still kinda boring. He was humming the elevator theme softly as he did.
"Ahem.." You tried walking closer to get his attention, but he was pretty caught up in his silliness.
"AHEM." He spun around and jumped with glee when he saw your face.

"HEY FRIEND!!" He had his usual loudness that always somehow gave you a headache. But you didn't completely mind. You did enjoy his company after all! He was like a sweet and sour candy. Normally sour on the outside, but also nice to taste- well, no ones licking him...I hope...but you get the point.
"Hi..hows the daycare?" He hopped around the barrels joyfully. It was pretty entertaining.

"Just lovely! But definitely pretty lonely without you, y/n! My FAVORITE human!!" He scooped you into his lanky arms in a big hug.
"Awwwh! Thanks, Sun." You hugged him back, but he squeezed you tighter.
"What're you doing here so late??" He shook you slightly
"Valerie asked me to start taking night shifts over the weekend. What do you think if that?" His white eyes shone bright with excitement.
"SLUMBER PARTY!?! EVERY WEEKEND?? OH-HO-HO!! WE CAN PLAY GAMES AND AND EAT PIZZA UNTIL OUR STOMACHS EXPLODDEEE!!" You stared at him blankly. If this was a cartoon, a bead of sweat would have been dripping from your face by now. Boy this guy can talk!
"Haha! Yeah. What would you like to do now?" He finally let go of you and put a finger on his chin, thinking.
"How about a game? Hide-and-seek maybe? But it's gonna have to be a quick one!" You nodded and gave him a smile.
"Why does it have to be quick?"
"Oh, just because Valerie asked to give Moon a 'check up'. That's probably why she asked you to stay!" You froze. Every traumatizing dream about that guy flooded back to you like the people on the Titanic.
"Uh-huh..Moon?" He nodded.
"It's safer now that you're properly in our database." It was a bit more comforting knowing that, but you were still unconvinced. Very unconvinced.
"Yeah...ill be right back." Before he could reply, you ran out of the large brown doors to the direction of the bathrooms. Good thing it wasn't far, only in the daycare pick up area.
You took your phone out of your pocket. what do you know? Valerie texted you 7 minutes ago.

'The lights should be turning off soon. I need to run diagnostics on Moon since I've been slacking on him. And since we already did so on your sunny boy⭐⭐⭐💜💜🌹🌹💥💥❤❤💙💙'

Thanks for the heads up. You thought to yourself sarcastically. Not too long later, the lights did in fact shut off. You knew it was responsibility to bring the daycare attendant to parts and service, but you also knew that you really didn't want to.

In defeat, you made your way back to the main daycare, knowing you were about to be face-to-face with the thing of your nightmares...
You gingerly opened the door, but there was no one there. No cherry colored blood, no sharp clawed demon, just you. You sighed in relief, but that quickly washed away when you heard a thump and the sound of bells jingiling behind you. With a slow turn, you were in the face of the Moon animatronic.
You were ready to have your blood on his hands, but he just waved! He looked much more different from what your dream imagined.

"Uhm-" "hello." He cut you off.
"Valerie needs me for diagnostics." He said that like you didn't know.
This is so weird. He was so...different in my dreams.
He looked like Sun but only with a different color pallete, red eyes, and without rays.
"Yeah..lets go then...?" You held out your hand and he hesitated before grabbing it.

The two of you stayed silent the whole way which made the journey seem like forever.
Valerie was eating a bag of chips when the two of you arrived, which wasn't surprising. She always was doing or eating something random. (Same)
Moon was laid down in the capsule, silently and patiently waiting for whatevers next.

"He's much more calm than Sun is. Not as bad we I imagined." She nodded in response. "He doesn't take kindly to intruders though, or kids staying up past their bedtime. Fazbear just never felt like wasting their time getting rid of him, so they just find the best lawyers to avoid parents of their dismembered children suing them." PARDON ME??

"EXCUSE ME??" She laughed, but no, you were scared and uncomfortable.
"Relax, I'm only half joking. Not dismembered, more just traumatized. It's not his fault he was programmed to be a villainous creature.."

What the hell is wrong with this company...


Sighs in disappointment

𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕖 - Sun/Moon x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now