panic attack

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requested by blazingmoonshine

a/n: i thought it would be worth noting that i've never had a panic attack. i wrote this based on pieces of writing i have read so forgive me if its not accurate

i walked into our shared house, kicking my boots to the side. I turned on the hallway lights since austin wasn't home yet. He's been really busy filming his movie. Normally he comes home really late, around 11-ish sometimes even later, but i trusted him enough that i'm the one he's walking home to.

I placed my coat on the sofa in the living room as i walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab a snack. I took an apple out and placed it on a cutting board, taking a knife and cutting it into slices.

Just then, i heard a sound from upstairs, like a cupboard was pushed. I dismissed it, thinking that it was just my brain playing tricks on me.

But i had an itch which annoyed me. One part of me felt like i had to go check it out.

I'm a girl who's 5"3' and residing in New York City, whos alone at home cutting an apple, why wouldn't i feel a bit scared.

Reluctantly, holding the knife, I made my way upstairs. I could've sworn I saw a shadow. "I saw you, whoever you are, come out right now", i yelled, fighting tears of fear, climbing up the stairs. I walked into the bedroom looking around when suddenly someone jumped out the door.

The only thing i heard after that, was my own screaming, my chest became tighter, the air was grabbed from my lungs, tears pricked my eyes as i gasped for oxygen, "IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY", i choked out, rewinding back to 3 years ago.


"you little slut!", he yelled out punching me across the jaw. I opened my eyes looking at his clenched fist, covered in scarlet blood. "Jack, he's just my friend, he has a girlfriend", i choked out, still on the floor, leaned against the wall, while he towered over me.

"doesnt mean that u won't cheat. You're a good for nothing whore, who doesnt even fucking deserve a relationship", he shouted, kicking me in stomach.

end flashback~

I was in that same position, leaning back against the wall, clutching my stomach. "Hey baby", i heard. "Baby, its just me, austin", he said as he held my arms. I still sobbed into my palms, not having the courage to look at him, embarrassed at what happened.

"I'm sorry, Austin", i managed to choke out. "I try, i really do, but its ruining your life. You're better off with someone else", i cried. He tilted his head to the left. "How would you know who im better off loving?", Austin questioned. "You're not me, so you don't know how your love has healed me in so many ways, how you're everything i've ever dreamed of. How you're the type of girl i've always wished to marry. And if that means walking into your rainstorm", he paused. "I would gladly dance in it with you", he smiled kissing my forehead. "Just like how you walked into mine when you decided to deal with the fame to be with me."

I knelt down, mirroring his actions, and hugged him tightly, "I love you Austin", i breathed out, my tears falling into shirt. "I love you too", Austin replied, his soft lips on my neck, as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

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