jealousy 🌺🌺

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Ok, hear me out, I know its not our king in this pic, but for the sake of this imagine, just "imagine" it is..this is the position you're in in this imagine..I couldn't think of words to explain it, and if I did, it would sound like they were fucking and she's a gymnast.... enjoy :) oh and don't imagine the socks..I don't know who in their right mind would wear socks, in the sun, on a yacht, in the ocean. Gross..

~imagine starts now~

I laid beside him on the beige lounge chair at the dock of the huge yacht me and austin booked for the weekend. My family, his family and a few of you our close friends were all joining us on this romantic getaway as it was a tiny celebration to celebrate our engagement that took place a month ago. Its been hectic finding free days, sending invites and booking the yacht but we did it. And now, it was the perfect time to bathe in our accomplishment and the sun, which reflected on our sunglasses.

I looked up at him, my thigh on his, my ankle on his shin and his hand lovingly around my shoulder, taking in his breathtaking features, sighing, smiling at the fact that I was getting married to him...Austin fucking Butler.

He smiled, "Im still awake, you know". I kept staring. "Good, then you know how much I love you", I replied, pecking him on the cheek and resting my head on his chest.

Just then my phone rang. I groaned I grabbed it from the coffee table next to the lounge chair. It was one of my friends. Not a close one, not even one. In fact, she didn't even bother to reply to any of my texts after we left school and I found her on instagram. But, oh my god, when she realized I was austin's beautiful girlfriend she decides to post 500 stories on how we used to go to school together.

I didn't answer the first time, or the second, but after the third ring, I lost it. I cleared my throat and answered: "Hey, y/n here- "Oh my goodness, hey y/n! How are you? Why haven't you replied to my texts?", she interrupted. "Why? So you can post screenshots of me saying 'hi'?" "um, no", she laughed, "I would nev-er do that" "Yeah you would, last year when I read your texts you posted a whole video on how I was so rude for leaving you on read" "That was months ago", she whined. "How's your beau?", she asked, talking about austin. "oh, that's not your business", I replied, "But I have a wedding to plan, bye bitch", I laughed. "Y/N, WAIT-", I disconnected.

I looked behind me to look at austin, who smirked under his shades. I crawled back into him. "Was it that witch?", he asked. "Yeah, sometimes, I really wish I could burn her", I sighed. He lifted me onto his lap and stroked my hair while I rested my cheek on his collar bone. His other hand was on my waist. "I love how protective you are of me", he laughed. I smirked, "I'm very aware that everyone who sees you wants you", I gently kissed his perfect lips, "too bad", I grinned. He chuckled. "Alright there's a baby and a toddler on this cruise. Lets keep it PG, yeah?", he winked. I nodded, interlocking our hands, knowing this man would never leave me. Ever.


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