Chater 5: somebody that I used to know...!!

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"J...JAKE?!" SapNap exclaimed, stepping back in shock. The boys heard his yell and walked to the door, and Jimmy gasped.

"What...what are you doing here Jake..." Jimmy says, taking a deep breath and approaching him angrily.
"I, well, heard about the video" Jake says smugly, stepping into the the giant mansion.
"You're not invited!!!!!" Markiplier growls, standing up for him awesometastic friend Jimmy.

"Why not? I'm a YouTuber too! I'm just like you!" Jake smirk widens, as he closes the door behind him.
"Frick you! Get out of my house!!" Jimmy yelled.
"LANGUAGE!" BadBoyHalo angrily says, looking at Jimmy with a scowl.
"Sorry pookie..." Jimmy sighs sadly.
"It's oki" Bad smiles.

"So, can I join or not?!" Jake asked, getting a little ferocious.
"I don't think Jimmy is comfortable with that..." Tommy mumbles, as Ninja enters the chat.
"Tommy. Thank you so much for speaking up for Jimmy. I know it's been so hard that your mom has been in the hospital for your whole life, and I know the breast and testicular cancer is really getting to you. But I'm so proud of you Tommy. I love you bro. You're the most awesometastic person in the world." Ninja smile spreads from across the whole room as Tommy didn't hear him.

"But Jimmy...! That was all in the pastttt" Jake pouts. "Besides, I really wanna be in the video!!!" Jake fussed, crossing his arms in anger as he sat on the floor like the baby he is.
MatPat sighs.
"Then say sorry to Jimmy. For the acts of cheating and lie and getting caught."
"But how? I dunno how to say that word...!" Jake frowns, looking up. MatPat softly smiles and reaches out a hand.

"It starts with sorry! ~" MatPat sings as Jake blinks twice. "That's your foot in the door! One sincere sorry!"
Jake blinks again.
"Spoken straight from the core. The path to forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts! But sorry is where it starts~~" MatPat stands him up and backs up to the living room, the boys watching the awesometastic moment.
"Who could forgive a dirtbag like me...?" The spotlight shone on Jake. "I don't deserve your amnesty!" He looks over at Jimmy.
"Can't we just kill him? Shoot him and spill his blood?" Markiplier and Jimmy sang.
"That's an option you could choose-" MatPat says through his teeth.
"Works for us." The boys say together.
"But who hasn't been in his shoes??" MatPat sang, a large smile spreading across his face. "It starts with sorry!"
"Sorry..." Jake mumbled.
"Dig down deeper and say! One sincere sorry!"
"I'm so sorry...!" Jake announces, looking at Jimmy.
"And your journeys underway! :) "
"It'll take time to cover my/your vast multitude of sins!" Jake and MatPat sang in unison. "But sorry is where it begins." MatPat and Jake hold hands as they walk towards Jimmy.
"It starts with sorry...!" They both say softly as Jake approaches Jimmy.

"Jimmy... I'm sorry..."

(A/N song creds to me!!!! >:(

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