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I furrow my brows, what is Dani doing in Rhode Island?

"What are you doing here?" I ask, giving her a suspicious look.

She seems taken aback, her eyes briefly flickering down my outfit before meeting mine again as I clear my throat. "I'm here to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. What are you doing in Newport?" Dani responds.

I can't help but wonder if she just checked me out. But no, she was probably just looking at my outfit. After all, we do have similar style.

I move up a space in line as people start to move. "This is my hometown," I say, still a little confused. "You're from here? Newport?"

"I'm from London. But we moved here freshman year of high school, so kinda yeah," Dani explains, her smirk suggesting she finds my confusion amusing.

Dani's lack of confusion surprises me, considering we've hung out numerous times, especially since Brendan and Brooke became official. How has this never come up in conversation before?

"Oh... that's cool, I guess," I reply, trying to process this new information while diverting my attention to the menu on the wall, attempting to find something to order since I'm next in line.

"Yeah, what a coincidence we're from the same town. That's why you're so cool," Dani says, winking and brushing against my shoulder.

I didn't get to respond as the cashier signaled to the next person to take their order.

"I'll do an everything bagel, and an iced matcha please," I smile warmly at the teenage boy behind the counter, his eyes briefly meeting mine before he begins to prepare my order.

As I reach into my bag to retrieve my wallet, Dani's voice cuts through the air, "Let me cover it," her smile radiant as she flashes her teeth at me.

"No no, it's fine, I got it," I try to laugh it off.

But Dani was persistent. "My treat," she insists, smiling as she hands the cashier her card before I can protest further.

Dani moves quickly, and before I can say anything else, the transaction is done. I accept it with a grateful smile, "Thank you," I say softly.

"No problem," Dani replies casually, tossing her red hair over her shoulder with a carefree gesture.

As we wait for our orders, Dani leans in with curiosity. "So how long are you here for?"

"I'm here for 5 more days," I explain, knowing that most people spend their entire break at home. However, I couldn't wait to get back to New York, for a few reasons.

"Damn, getting out of here fast?" Dani teases, her tone light and playful.

I chuckle, "I guess you could say that," I reply shortly, not wanting to delve into the real reason why I'm not staying for long.

"We should hangout. I'm here until the end of break so I'm free any day,"

Dani's suggestion hangs in the air, and I realize I could use some company. Being cooped up in that house for five more days might just drive me crazy. Plus, Dani's part of our group, so why not hang out with her?

"Sure, that sounds fun. Text me the details?" I agree, walking over to the counter where they called my name and order.

"Of course," Dani says, her eyes twinkling as she watches me. "See ya, Lilia."

I offer a small wave in response before stepping out of the cozy cafe, a sense of unease settling in my chest as I dread the thought of returning to my parents' house.

It's only my first day here, and already I can't wait for the chance to escape back to New York.

I arrive home pretty quickly. The streets are quiet, as usual for our small town. Driving feels strange after relying on the subway for so long .

Entering the house, I find my Dad stationed in his customary spot in the living room, engrossed in his laptop, diligently working away.

"Lilia," Dad's warm voice breaks the silence as he removes his glasses, his smile widening upon spotting me.

With open arms, he rises from his chair, inviting me into an embrace. I step forward, a smile mirroring his own, relishing in the comfort of his embrace. I've always been closer to my dad than my mom.

"How are you?" He asks, and I can't help but notice the familiar crease forming on his forehead as he smiles.

"Good. Everything's good, dad, how are you?"

"I'm doing alright," he replies, easing his grip on me. "Just another day of battling spreadsheets and emails. What did you bring from the café?" His tired eyes flicker toward the bag and drink in my hands.

"Just some breakfast," I reply, the warmth of the café lingering in the aroma wafting from the bag. "I wanted to get out of the house this morning." With a soft smile, I make my way over to the barstools, the familiar creak of the floorboards beneath my feet echoing through the room.

I perch myself on a barstool, the worn leather cool against my skin as I unwrap my breakfast, stealing a glance at my father. "Anything exciting happening at work?" I ask, the scent of fresh bagels filling the air as I take a bite.

He chuckles, a weary smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he shakes his head. "Not particularly," he admits. "But you know how it is. Same old routine." He pauses, his gaze softening as he meets my eyes. "But enough about me. How's everything going with you? I haven't seen you since last Christmas. Any news to share?"

"Well, school's been challenging, but good. I met a few new people this year I've gotten really close with," I say, savoring another bite of my food.

My dad's brows raise in interest. "Hmm. Have you met anyone special... like a girlfriend?"

"Dad!" I chuckle, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "Maybe. But that's all you get to know," I tease, trying to deflect his curiosity.

He chuckles too, "Alright, alright, I won't pry," he concedes with a grin. "Just remember, if you ever need woman advice, I was a ladies man before I met your mom. I'm your guy," he adds.

I laugh, rolling her eyes playfully. "Thanks, Dad," I say, amusement evident in my voice. "I'll keep that in mind."

The day seems to pass by pretty quickly. After returning home from another shift, my mom actually helped me prepare some of the Thanksgiving food for tomorrow.

We tackled the turkey together, knowing that everyone else who comes will bring sides. It's a small gathering this year, just my aunt and uncle, and my grandma and grandpa.

After, my Mom is visibly exhausted from work and heads to bed early, followed closely by my Dad.

As I brush my hair out from the shower, thoughts of Sage fill my mind.

I miss her, even though it's only been a few days since I last saw her. I miss her lips, her hugs, her presence beside me. Should I call her? Or maybe just send a text?

No, that might come off as too clingy.

Suddenly, my phone pings with a text message, but it's not from the person I was hoping for. It's Dani, asking about our plans.

Dani: Hey, do you surf?

I furrow my brows, what kind of question is that? Doesn't everyone in Newport surf?

Me: Duh.

A few minutes later, Dani responds.

Dani: Perfect! You up for some surfing?

Me: I'm down

We make plans to go surfing after Thanksgiving tomorrow. I haven't gone surfing in a long time, but the thought of reliving my childhood years on the waves brings a nostalgic smile to my face. I practically lived on the waves as a kid.

Maybe this trip wouldn't be that bad after all.

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