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My heart races as she approaches, our eyes never breaking the eye contact.

Why is she here? Don't be stupid! It's the grand opening of the club, of course she'd be here, I scold myself. I shake my head, trying to push away the rising nerves.

Her outfit catches my eye – casual yet effortlessly stylish. A white tee paired with a vintage leather jacket, the red and black hues contrasting beautifully against her black jeans and white dunks. Her short blonde hair falls in waves, tousled yet somehow still looking perfect.

With each step she takes closer, my anxiety grows.

Do not make a fool out of yourself.

The woman finally reaches where I'm standing. Leaning over the bar counter, she orders a vodka cranberry, a drink that happens to be my personal favorite.

I watch her interaction with the bartender, every movement seems deliberate, every word spoken with confidence.

When she's finished, she turns her head to look at me. I quickly avert my gaze, unsure of what to say.

"Funny seeing you here, stranger," she says, her voice cutting through the ambient noise of the club like a knife.

I only manage a hum in response, unsure if she even hears it over the music. But when she takes her pointer finger and guides my jaw to face her, I know she did.

The woman's gaze sweeps across my face, exploring every contour before locking onto my eyes. "So we're playing the ignoring game, are we?" she quips, a playful smirk playing on her lips as she notices the blush creeping up my cheeks.

"No," I reply simply. You're just too hot and I don't know how to act around you, I thought in my head but I obviously wasn't going to say that to her. Her ego is high enough as it is.

"No?" she counters, her finger trailing slowly along my jawline as she withdraws it from my chin. "Then why were you just ignoring me? Was the sex that bad?" Her tone carries a teasing edge.

What a cocky little shit.

I squirm slightly under her intense gaze, choosing to ignore her second question. "I wasn't ignoring you," I insist, hoping to diffuse whatever game she was trying to play with me.

The woman raises an eyebrow, "Then why did you turn away?" she presses, her tone not serious but somehow managing to send a shiver down my spine.

"I—" I begin, but my words falter as a voice interrupts from behind us.

"Sage?" a woman's voice calls out, causing her to turn her head.

So, Sage is her name.

"Hey Brooke," Sage seems surprised but greets the person with a warm smile.

Wait, Brooke?

I turn my head, feeling confused as I'm met with my best friend, Brooke. How does Brooke know her?

Then she said something that almost made my heart stop.

"I didn't know you knew my sister, Lilia," Brooke's voice carries a note of puzzlement as she shifts her gaze between Sage and I, her brows knitting together in confusion.

My face drops as I glance over at Sage, noticing her usually composed demeanor now filled with surprise, her lips parting ever so slightly. In that moment, as our eyes meet, the realization dawns on both of us.

Fuck, this is my best friend's sister.

The resemblance hits me like a ton of bricks. They share the same striking features, those piercing blue eyes... I should've known.

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