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"It's game night!!" Elijah and I shout as we burst into Brooke's dorm room, clutching bottles of Casamigos.

"Heyyy!" Brooke responds with equal enthusiasm, coming over to hug us and snag the tequila from our hands.

"Someone's eager," I tease, chuckling at Brooke's eagerness.

"Duh, everyone's about to be here, I'm trying to get drunk for Uno," Brooke says matter-of-factly, hopping onto her bed and taking a hefty swig of the tequila.

Brooke's dorm surprised me with its spaciousness, boasting a mini kitchen, a private bathroom, and even queen-sized beds. I can't help but wonder how much she must pay to live on campus in such luxury.

"Pass that over," I say, extending my hand eagerly for the bottle of tequila.

Brooke wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and hands it over, and I take a generous swig before passing it to Elijah, who declines with a shake of his head.

"As entertaining as this is, I will not be chugging my alcohol tonight," Elijah announces, heading to the kitchen to fetch a cup and some club soda from the fridge for a mixed drink.

Brooke shrugs nonchalantly, reaching for the bottle again.

"You say that now, but after one drink, it'll be a whole different story," I tease, laughing as I watch her take another gulp.

Knocks resound at the door, and Brooke's excitement bubbles over as she cheers and bounces off the bed to open it.

With a swift motion, Brooke swings the door open, welcoming Brendan and his friends into the room. My eyes meet Dani's, and a pang of guilt washes over me—I had been so caught up with Sage that I'd forgotten about her.

"Hey everyone, come in!" Brooke's smile is infectious as she ushers them inside.

"Brendy in the house!" Elijah's cheerful greeting making Brendan laugh.

"Hey guys," Brendan greets warmly, dabbing Elijah and I up.

"Hey, I hope you're ready for game night," I tease, a playful glint in my eye. "Brooke's already drunk, I think."

"I'm so ready," Brendan chuckles, casting a knowing glance at Brooke before turning back to me. "Yep, definitely tipsy."

As Brendan's other friends filter into the room, I quickly spot Lucas and Henry, the laid-back twins from the club, along with Noah, and Lucas's girlfriend, Isabelle. They all seem pretty chill, adding to the lively atmosphere of the gathering.

But it's Dani's approach that catches my attention, her genuine smile and distinct British accent drawing me in.

"Hey Lilia," Dani greets warmly.

I can't help but notice the similarity in our outfits-both of us clad in black jeans and white crop tops. "I like your outfit," I tease, a playful smirk tugging at my lips.

Brendan's grin widens as he joins in on the banter, clearly enjoying the playful exchange between Dani and I. "Oh, it's going to be an entertaining game night with you two."

Elijah nods in agreement, "Definitely. I've got my popcorn ready for this."

"Bring it on, then," Dani responds, looking at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "But remember, I've got a killer poker face."

I can't help but smirk, playing along. "Ooh, I'm trembling in my matching outfit."

A knock interrupts our conversation, causing me to furrow my brows. "Isn't everyone already here?" I mutter, puzzled by the unexpected interruption.

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