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It's midnight, and the party is in full swing. The apartment is alive with people, many of whom I don't even recognize. Drake's song "Rich Baby Daddy" echoes off the walls, setting the tone for this crazy night.

Glancing to my right, I catch sight of Elijah engaged in body shots with a handsome stranger. Go him.

"Lilia!" A voice cuts through the music, and I turn to see Brooke stumbling towards me. She's been glued to some guy's side all night, so her sudden appearance surprises me.

Meanwhile, I've been mingling with some school friends and meeting new faces while Elijah does his own thing as well. It's been fun though, especially dancing with a few attractive girls.

"Dude you're so drunk!" I laugh, realizing my own tipsiness as I try to steady Brooke by the shoulders.

"Duh this party is fire!" She nods enthusiastically, a wide smile lighting up her face. "Let's dance! This is my song!" She grabs my hand and pulls me into the crowd of people dancing, and for a moment, everything fades away except the music and the pulsing energy of the party.

As Brooke and I started dancing, we lose ourselves while Drake's smooth voice flows through the speakers.

The song fills my ears, guiding our movements as we sway and completely let loose.

Suddenly, Brooke starts twerking against me, which is definitely fueled by the alcohol coursing through her veins.

I know it's just the booze talking and that Brooke is straight, so I play along, placing my hands on her waist as we move in sync.

While we're dancing, I catch the eye of this gorgeous red-headed woman across the room. She's sipping her drink, but her gaze is fixed on me.

We share a moment, she smiles at me before turning back to her friend. Her friend is totally eyeing down Brooke, but I think nothing of it.

After a few more songs, Brooke and I decide to take a breather and head to the kitchen for another drink.

We push through the crowd, laughter and chatter all around us as she talks my ear off about this guy she met at the start of the party.

"I think I'm going to hookup with him," Brooke blurts out suddenly as she slips her phone back in her pocket after sending a text I'm guessing.

"Who?" I ask, glancing around the room, following Brooke's gaze to the guy who she was hanging out with earlier in the night. He was also talking to the red head from the dance floor.

He's not bad looking—brunette, tall, with fluffy hair. Typical, but he's definitely Brooke's type.

"Oh God, he's coming over here," Brooke panics as the guy starts making his way toward us.

I can't help but laugh as I watch Brooke grow increasingly flustered with each step he takes.

"Hey, do you mind if I steal Brooke for a dance?" the guy asks me.

I shove the red plastic cup filled with punch into Brooke's hand and shake my head at the man.

"Not at all. Have fun, you two!" I say with a smile as I watch him put his arm around Brooke's shoulder and lead her to the dance floor, their figures disappearing into the crowd.

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