Chapter 11: Oops

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            Despite Rahlin having faced a trio of Egyptian gods minutes ago, she had never felt so small as in her patron's presence. Dartz stood at the opposite head of the table in the DOMA boardroom. The fury painted on his face was further augmented by the reptilian slit pupil in his turquoise eye.

Rahlin's focus darted from her hands folded on her cane to her patron's furious glare and back again. If she held it too long, she feared a hole would be burned through her.

Dartz hissed, "You had one duty. One. Capturing the pharaoh's soul would exceed the amount we require, but you leave the opportunity dead in the water by returning the most powerful cards in Duel Monsters to his possession. My first question is how do you, of all people, have earnest copies of the Egyptian gods?"

The coffee maker in the corner dripped. A fly hit the light panels. Air hissed past Dartz's clenched teeth. "All of a sudden you're as quiet as you were in your past life. I have one question for you, Rahlin Orichalcum. Why is it the only moments you show courage, cunning, and determination are when you defy me?"

Rahlin snapped to attention. "You were not my concern. I had a duty to Pharaoh Aknamkanon as was promised, and I fulfilled it without sullying my honor."

"Duty? Honor?" Dartz questioned. His laughter ached with contempt where joy should have rung. As he spoke, he rounded the long table towards her. "My child, you are a plain fool if you've convinced yourself you're like them. You are not a knight, Rahlin."

The fly had crawled into the light fixture and sizzled against the heat. Sweat trickled down Rahlin's neck as she held her patron's condescending stare. Dartz swiped the cane out of her grip and shoved her. Rahlin stumbled back, and her shoulders slammed against the wall. Her attempts to hold herself up failed. She sank to the ground.

"A real knight could stand and fight for himself. You are anything but. Nothing can change that. Let's not forget that this world did have knights. They were cursed and lost because of you.

"Rahlin Orichalcum, you are the extinction of honor and duty. If you were true to your cause, we would live in a perfect world. Instead these petty grievances hold you back because you are no more than a petty creature."

Dartz held the silver cane and backed away. "I gave you the freedom to walk this world, and I can revoke it just as easily. Think on why you made the wrong choice and remember your true desire. If you do, I might consider coming back for you."

The ding of the elevator marked the end of his speech. The sliding doors closed off the image of Dartz's back. A part of Rahlin screamed to go after him but it was dampened and buried by the cold fact that she couldn't. To crawl after him would be so embarrassing and shameful.

A minor flash came from the overhead light. The fly had sizzled out of existence. Rahlin's hands bunched up the fabric of her pants. Her mouth trembled, but she resisted the burn in the back of her throat.

She rested her head against the wall. The words should not have cut as deep as they had. The wounds left behind pulsed like pain in her mind. Her hands covered her ears but the thoughts remained. Not a knight. Can't stand and fight. Petty creature.

Rahlin hugged her legs to her chest and fell to her side. She thought she knew the depths of helplessness. Her patron had dragged her ever deeper. The passing of seconds signaled by the tick-tocking of the wall clock were lost to Rahlin. A void had captured her senses, and the only existing presences were her heartbeat and her thoughts.

he's right.


all my fault

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