The Fate of The Riders

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Indiana Jones was spending some time getting to know more of Storybrooke and Archie Hopper was more than happy to acompanie her on her journey around town. Indiana really liked Archie but she felt guilty because a part of her would always be in love with her Flynn, it was funny because Flynn wasn't actually his real name but it was the name he had chosen and preffered to be called by so she did. Anyone could see that Archie Hopper was head over heels for Indiana, Jiminy had never gotten a chance to know anyone in the enchanted forest because of what his parents did, he was constantly on the move. But now in Storybrooke, he had the time to get to know people and Indiana was so kind to him it was funny how they actually met, Pongo had suddenly tugged away from Archie and ran down the street and around the corner running right into Indiana and after that the two had been great friends.

Archie would never admit it to Indiana but she was the most important person in his life now to the point where he knew exactly what time she would be in Granny's at and he would make sure that he would be there to see her, he would always walk her back to the docks at night to make sure that she got back safely, Marco had been teasing him about his school boy crush for weeks and Archie had tried to deny it but it didn't really work anymore becuase he was definitely head over heels for Indiana... It did hurt knowing that she was still in love with her partner Flynn but Archie had excepted it, he would help her to find Flynn because the one thing that he wanted more than anything was for her to be happy. 

They were currently walking down main street and Indiana had her arm in the crook of Archies elbow as he held Pongo's leash with his other hand "What are you thinking about Ana?" He asks her and it makes her smile slighty, no one ever called her Ana it was always Indi, she liked Archie calling her that "I was just thinking that if Regina brought everyone to Storybrooke then surely at some point she would have came across Flynn or Penny... or maybe she would know what happened to them..." Indiana says with a sigh and Archie nods his head "You have a good point... well why don't we go and ask her and then at least you'll know." Archie says and Indiana is quiet for a minute before she nods her head "Yeah... it seems like that could be a good idea..." She trails off and Archie isn't convinced "I sense a 'but' coming." He says and she sighs looking down for a moment.

"I'm scared that I won't like what I hear... I had a quick check through different records in the library and there isn't even records of anyone who looked like Flynn or Penny I looked through every picture that they had..." Indiana says and Archie nods his head "Well we can't give up hope yet Ana, I'm confident that we will find out something that will help us find them." Archie says smiling down at her and she nods her head "You know what Arch? You really know how to cheer a girl up." Indiana says with a smile and Archie smiles back at her "I'm glad... I don't like to see you upset... or worrying..." He says quietly trailing off as they turn the corner "Awww Arch you're such a sweetheart, you really are the bestest friend I could ask for." Indiana says and Archie does feel his heart sink a little bit at that statement but keeps his smile.

They see Leroy and a crowd of people in the middle of the crossroads by Granny's diner and so Archie and Indiana look at each other worried before they hurry over "Leroy? What's wrong?" Archie asks and the dwarf turns to him looking grumpier than usual "That snow princess put some kind of curse onto Marion, now she's slowly freezing from the inside out." Leroy says and Indiana gasps in shock as Archie's eyes go wide "Oh my... is everyone else okay?" Archie asks and Leroy nods his head "For now, but if we don't put a stop to her... she'll end up hurting someone else, I mean my van was already frozen over, Kitty almost froze to death in a wall and now this? No this girl has got to go." Leroy says and Indiana looks at him worried "So what are you all planning on doing then?" She asks him and he looks over at her.

"I'll tell you what were going to do sister, we're all going to march ourselves down to the mayor's office and get some justice, there's been too many things going on in this town and it's time we sort things out ant get on with our lives." Leroy says and then turns back to the others as Archie and Indiana share a look with each other, "This isn't going to go well, I can feel it." Indiana says and Archie nods his head "I'm going to follow after them and make sure that they don't kill each other... could you take Pongo for me?" Archie asks and Indiana's eyes widen and she goes to protest but Archie keeps talking, he was not going to let her come along when it could be about to turn into a fight "I just don't want Pongo near all of that trouble and... and I don't want you to get caught in a fight... I can call you when I'm finished and we can see about finding out some more information." Archie says and Indiana sighs before nodding her head and Archie gives her Pongo's leash.

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