Frosty The Killer Snowman

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The Hatters all get ready and begin to head into town and Neal is carrying Jack on his back whilst the little boy makes small snowflakes in his hand and gently blows them away with Howl occassionally chasing the snowflakes trying to eat them. Christopher Robin had appeared from out of the woods and was walking ahead with Grace and Henry whilst Jefferson held Anidori in one arm and held Kitty's hand with the other. Kitty liked this, it was simply just walking with her family but it was something they weren't usually doing because god only knows what was going down in Storybrooke. Kitty had phoned Regina and spoken to her alone and it was clear that she just wanted some space for a few days to get over what had happened and Kitty had told her that she had Henry staying with her and Jefferson and Regina was grateful for her help.

They all began walking to Granny's and they ran into Emma and Snow and Henry is quick to start asking them about his mother and if she's okay "She hasn't answered any of your calls?" Henry says and Kitty can tell that he's upset by that but Emma just sighs "Uh, sorry, kid. Looks like Regina does not want to be disturbed." Emma says but she gets cut off by Kitty "Well she answered my calls kitten, but that's probably because I didn't bring her boyfriends wife back to life... but she's okay Henry, she just needs some time to herself." Kitty says and Emma gives her a look before turning back to look at Henry "But that doesn't mean that she's... Doing anything..." Henry sighs when Emma trails off "Evil? I know. I just... Let me try calling her. It's you she doesn't want to hear from, and besides she answered Aunt Kitty." Henry says and both Kitty and Jefferson have to hold back their laughter at Emma's shocked face.

"You might have a point, kiddo." Jefferson says and Emma glares at him as Henry nods and walks over to where Grace and Christopher are chatting with Neal and Jack. "I hope for his sake she doesn't give in to what she sometimes gives in to." Snow says and Jefferson rolls his eyes "You lot really need to have some more faith in Regina, I know I'm not her biggest cheerleader but I can see that she's different, good lord stop panicking everytime something happens that she's instantly gonna snap and kill everyone." Jefferson says before walking over to join the others and Kitty is so proud of her husband, she knows that Jefferson had found it difficult to spend time around Regina at first because of what she had done to them but now here he was defending her.

"I mean, between losing and regaining his memories, seeing both of his moms with new men." Snow says and it instantly gets Kitty's attention as her ears perk up tall "Uh, speaking of that..." Emma trails off and Kitty crosses her arms "He doesn't know about you and Hook?" Snow says and both Emma and Kitty speak at the same time "There is no me and Hook." Emma says at the same time Kitty says "There is no Emma and Hook." and Snow just smirks and looks away making a humming sound and Emma sighs "Okay, well, I don't know what there is, but I certainly can't talk to Henry if I don't know what I'm talking about." Emma says and Kitty looks over at her brother and sees him look away and she feels her heart ache, because her brother heard all of it.

Kitty was becoming quite protective of her big brother and Emma thought that she could drag him along whilst she was working out if she wanted him or Hook then Kitty would be having a serious word with her. "Swan." Kitty hears from behind them and groans walking over to Jefferson and the kids not wanting to see her father right now. She had noticed that Grace had been carrying a bigger bag than usual with her and she was wondering what the girl had brought with her "Hey Sweet girl, what's with the big bag today baby?" She asks Grace who seems to worry slightly and hold the bag closer "Nothing!" She says quickly and looks around as if finding an emergency exit and she grabs Christopher's hand "I'm really tired let's go and sit down!" Grace says and drags the boy over to the bench and they begin to whisper.

Kitty and Jefferson share a look with each other "Weirdo." Jack says in a sing song voice and Henry hits his arm "Hey! You can't say that!" He tells Jack who just raises an eyebrow "Of course I can she's my sister." Jack says causing the three adults to smirk "I think what Henry means, is that the weirdo of the family isn't Grace..." Kitty says and Jefferson nods in agreement "Exactly." He says bouncing Anidori in his arms "It's Jefferson." That makes the man stop nodding and turn to his wife offended "I second that." Neal says raising his hand and Kitty gives him a high five whilst Howl just sits and watches over the family who he has chosen to protect.

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