Using The Dagger and Frozen Hearts

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Kitty was still lying on top of Jefferson cuddling into him for warmth, Neal was now sitting on the floor with Anidori crawling all over his legs and crawling after Hook when he began pacing, Kitty thought it was funny watching her daughter crawl around the room after everyone, with Howl following after her to keep her safe, gently pulling her by her onesie if she was going to do something that would get her hurt. The little girl was growing up so fast and Kitty and Jefferson were wanting to spend more time with their family before their children had grown up, Anidori would be one soon and Kitty was mildly concerned that the little girl hadn't spoken a word yet, she would make sounds and mumble to herself but she hadn't actually said a word yet.

"Aunt Kitty?" She hears Henry ask from where he was leaning against the sofa and so she looks over at him "Yeah kitten?" she says giving him a smile and he turns to fully face her "can we make cookies in the morning?" He asks and she laughs before shivering and snuggling back into Jefferson "Of course Kitten, what kind of cookies?" She asks him and he grins "The ones with the big bit of chocolate in it... you know, the ones that are all melty on the inside?" Henry says and Kitty nods "What do you think about that Grace, Jack?" She says and both children nod at her and Jack looks at her for a moment longer before he gets up and moves over to her and Jefferson and climbs up to lie with them and Kitty wraps her arms around him and kisses his forehead.

Henry looks at Jack for a moment before smiling at the boy but there was something sad about the way he was looking at Jack, and then he turned and looked over at Elsa who was looking at him already, Henry had read Elsa's story before and he knew that she had lost her son but something he had never thought about was Jack... A little boy who walked the woods alone who couldn't remember having a name or having a family, but had ice powers... Henry put everything together in his head and his eyes widened but he kept quiet and never said anything.

"Elsa... You okay?" Kitty asks the woman who still looked very upset "Not only have I lost my sister, I've lost her necklace, too. Now I have nothing of hers." Elsa says and Kitty nods her head giving Elsa a sympathetic look "Then let's find her." David says determined before he looks over at Anidori who seemed to be lying on her back by his feet with her arms raised up making little grabby hands up at David so he picks her up kissing her forehead holding her close. David remembers about Bopeep's staff that he had in his car and hands Anidori over to Hook making the young girl squeal happily and kick her feet. David brings the staff in and hands it to Elsa who focuses on it.

"I don't see anything." Elsa says with a sigh after a few moments and David furrows his eyebrows crossing his arms, "It should work." He says and Jefferson adjusts Kitty against his chest kissing her head between her ears making them flatten before perking up again "Is it broken?" Jefferson asks and Elsa grips the staff tighter trying to keep calm "Or does it mean something happened to her?" Elsa worries and Emma holds a hand up as she hears something, but so does Kitty and her ears twitch "Wait. What's that sound?" Emma asks and Elsa's eyes widen "Is that a heartbeat?" She asks and Kitty nods her head, far too familiar with that sound "It is." She says quietly and Grace looks up at her mother sadly and Neal gives his sister a sympathetic look.

The room sits in silence for a moment before Grace gets up and approaches Elsa "We might not know where your sister is... But we know the most important thing." Grace says pointing at the staff and Elsa realises what Grace is saying and it makes her smile hopefully "She's alive." Elsa says and the others nod and Mary Margaret enters with baby Leo, she hadn't actually been in to see the others yet because Leo had been unsettled when Snow had arrived with Indiana so she had gone to use some of Anidori's things to settle him down after Kitty told her she could "Who's alive? Oh. Who are you?" Snow asks smiling at Elsa who looks at her nervously as she is holding a tiny baby.

"Uh, this is Elsa. We're gonna find her sister. That's what this family does. We find people. We always do, because we really... Really don't like to give up." David says and Jefferson laughs "Isn't that the truth... it's a wonder that you haven't actually died or been murdered yet David." Jefferson says still trying to stop laughing and David nods his head crossing his arms "Fair." He says and Emma rolls her eyes "Right well, should we maybe deal with the great wall of ice that is surrounding the town?" Kitty says and the others all nod their heads and Neal goes with Jack, David, Emma and Elsa back to the town line.

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