Family and Guilt

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Kitty had been teaching the children how to better understand their magic and how to use it for good. Jack had always been afraid of his magic because he still wasn't completely sure just the extent of his powers. Grace was still nervous about magic and about using hers because she had seen what magic could do to people, and what it could turn people into... she had seen her Grandpappy struggle between his family and his power for years. Grace wouldn't ever admit it but she was afraid that if she started using her magic and she liked it that she would start getting hooked on her magic and start to fight for power... She knew that the likeliness of that happening was slim to none for her but she was still afriad that it might happen.

Regina had also been assisting Kitty with teaching the children, swearing that she was teaching them light magic not dark to help reassure the children. Grace was enjoying the lessons because she had always wanted to learn to use her magic better and in a lighter way, she didn't want to learn anything about dark magic, but Jack was just happy to get his ice powers under control a little bit more. He had been able to keep his powers under control even when he was emotional now and both of his parents were extremely proud of him for being able to control his emotions with his magic not being affected. Kitty had enjoyed the bonding experience that it was for her and her children. They had both become so confident in their abilities and also in practicing with each other, they weren't afraid of hurting one another anymore. 

Jefferson just tended to sulk at the side watching them because he didn't have any magic, but he did have a Kitty to cheer him up so that was a bonus. Kitty had noticed that Regina had been acting off for the past few days and so she planned to confront her and make sure that everything was okay with her, she had noticed that Regina had been almost avoiding Indiana, she wasn't sure why because as far as Kitty knew, they hadn't crossed paths before the curse, she left the kids to entertain themselves for five minutes with Jefferson whilst she decided to go and see Regina and so she headed up to Regina's room and she entered to see the woman watching over the enchanted forrest. " ''Gina? You okay?" She asked as she approached the woman with her tail flicking upwards. 

Regina turned to see her and forced a smile onto her face "Kitty... I'm alright... how's the rugrats?" She asks as a joke and Kitty laughs and stands beside Regina "You know that you like them." She says nudging Regina who just rolls her eyes "You've been different lately 'Gina, is everything okay?" Kitty asks her and she sees Regina's smile slip for a second and that just reassures her that something is wrong "You can't fool me 'Gina." She says as her tail flicks again. "I'll be okay, I promise... It's just with everything that happened with Henry... I miss him." Regina says and Kitty hugs her and her tail wraps around Regina. "I miss him too 'Gina." Kitty says quietly and the two women stay hugging each other  for a few moments before pulling away.

"Thank you for that Kitty," Regina says giving her a small smile and Kitty nods "Your welcome... but I know that's not the only thing bothering you." Kitty says and Regina sighs "I really can't get anything past you, can I?" Regina says and Kitty shakes her head "Nope." She says and Regina just huffs out a laugh before placing her hands on her hips and she walks back into the room away from the balcony. "What's wrong Regina? You know that you can tell me anything... right?" Kitty asks her and the woman doesn't make any movement to show that she heard her, "Something from my past, is coming back to haunt me it would seem." Regina says and Kitty tilts her head to the side curiously.

She disappears and reappears lying on top of Regina's bed on her stomach with her forearms holding her up and her feet kicking gently behind her "What is it?" Kitty asks and Regina just shakes her head and Kitty nods her head accepting that it might be difficult for Regina to face her past, especially with some of the things she had done.  "You do know that if you ever want to talk about anything Regina, that I will be there for you." Kitty says and Regina nods her head giving Kitty a genuine smile "I really do appreciate it Kitty, more than you'll know." Regina says and Kitty disappears in a cloud of blue smoke and appears next to her hugging her tightly. 

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