cotton eyed joe

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Monday, 4:39 PM

Professional Shit Starter: Has anyone heard from the three stooges?

Daddy's Baby Boy: i thought they were with you and kenma?

Professional Shit Starter: They aren't at the moment.

Whore Hard: ‼️ that can't be good ⚓

Bore Whore: What does an anchor have to do with?

Lickety Lick: no no, tendou has a point

Daddy~: How?

Professional Shit Starter: Never mind, I have located them.

Professional Shit Starter: And on an unrelated note, Sugawara-san, you have experience hiding bodies, correct?

Daddy's Baby Boy: who tf do you think i am?

Daddy's Baby Boy: of course i do!!!

Daddy's Baby Boy: (for legal reasons that was a joke)

Try Hard: Huh, I never thought Akaashi would be the one to finally liberate the world of Oikawa's existence.

Bore Whore: Thanks for saving me the effort, Akaashi.

Daddy's Baby Boy: but fr tho, what happened?

Professional Shit Starter: akaashi is currently unavailable atm but he asked me to keep you guys updated

Daddy's Baby Boy: kenma!!! what's akaashi doing??

Professional Shit Starter has added Kozume Kenma to the chat

Kozume: sorry akaashi has a shit phone

Kozume: he is currently castrating oikawa, bokuto, and kuro

Lickety Lick: as one does

Kozume: exactly

Daddy~: What did those three do this time to incite Akaashi's wrath?

Kozume: [voice note, 4:27 minutes]

Bore Whore: RIP Shittykawa.

Try Hard: Ain't no fucking way...

Daddy's Baby Boy: kenma, you're telling me that akaashi is currently mutilating the most annoying motherfuckers i have ever met (and i am teammates with asahi) bc y'all decided to hang out at his house and they desecrated his bed???

Daddy~: Was that Kuroo screaming in pain in that audio..?

Whore Hard: 🤨 nah cuz why tf do you know what kuroo sounds like in pain? ☠️

Daddy~: We're getting off topic.

Kozume: yes, that was kuro

Kozume: [video, 1:39 minutes]


Daddy's Baby Boy: get their fruity asses, akaashi!!

Try Hard: I feel as if I am the only one still stuck on the fact that Kuroo dookied on Akaashi's bed...

Professional Shit Starter: I have not gotten past that, Ushijima-san. And Kuroo-san never will, either.

Bore Whore: Akaashi I am going to send you a gift basket for your services.

Whore Hard: hahaha loser, you gotta pay for dick

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