Chapter Ten

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There is something intimate about having someone holding your life in their hands, and even more so when they were willing to put their own life on the line to save yours. At least that was what Core thought for the days since the duel with Johnny Starr.

She wasn't about to walk away from someone like that, as much as the open road was calling to her once more. One could only imagine her shock when Agatha approached her one morning as she was getting dressed for the day.

"I want to go with you." Was the first thing Agatha said to Core at all, barely giving her time to even finish dressing for the day. The bobcat could only pause, trying to process what she had just heard.

"What makes you think I was going to leave at all?" She asked curiously, tilting her head a bit as she regarded her. "What if I wanted to settle down in a place like this?"

"Pfftt.." Agatha made a bit of a dismissive sound as she waved her hand. "I told you, I know your type and you aren't at that stage yet. You got too much fight in you to give up all that adventure for this place."

Core considered her words, shrugging a little as she buttoned up her vest.

"You know, when you're right, you're right." She laughed as she finished buttoning the garment, smoothing it a bit. Agatha could read her like a book all ready.

"So you'll let me come?" Agatha looked hopeful, her blue eyes brightening as she bounced once in anticipation.

"Darlin' I wouldn't leave you for the world." Core stepped up to the other female. This time it was the bobcat who drew her into a brief kiss, as if that was all it took to seal their deal.

Agatha's flushed face again made it hard to tell if it was excitement, embarrassment, or anticipation. Maybe there was a mix of all of it, but she offered a smile, making her excuses that she should let her family know before hurrying off out of the room.

Core left her to her family, if just for a bit. The rest of the small gang was breaking apart, and she wanted to see them off.

Convoy, Smoky and Rue were the first on the goodbye tour. The trio were going over a list of last minute to dos as Core approached them at their rig just beyond the town's border.

"Heading on out?" Core asked as she approached. Smoky was the first to look up to her, the skunk's bushy hair hiding most of her face but it couldn't hide her smile.

"Yeah, it's about that time. Been fun and all, but we gotta keep moving." She shrugged. Core nodded as she glanced to Rue.

"And you?" She asked the opossum. Rue sighed as she tucked her list in her long jacket.

"Yeah, I'm heading off too. Convoy and Smoky said I could tag along to get me up towards Humdrum."

"And Chemin?" Core's eyebrows furrowed a little in concern. Rue chewed her lower lip a little as she made a motion towards the west.

"After I broke the news, he just started walking that way. Maybe we'll run into him, maybe not, but I'll always have a door open for him." She nodded. The bobcat couldn't help but feel pangs of guilt and sadness for the opossum family, but Rue changed the topic quickly. "But! New town, new pockets to empty, so ain't all that bad." She slapped a hand against Core's metal shoulder, the bit of a clang and the pained look that crossed her face told Core she immediately regretted it.

"If we're ever up that way, we'll look you up." Core laughed.

"You better, and give the missus my best." Rue called as she climbed up onto the rig, disappearing inside.

"She ain't the missus yet!" Core called back to her with a laugh as Smoky and Convoy were following suit.

"Key word being yet," Convoy laughed. "Take care Core."

Core stepped back to wave them off as the rig roared to life. The trailer less truck rolled on back onto the road. The bobcat stayed where she was, just watching it go for a while before a voice broke her thoughts.

"You'll stand there all day if you watch 'em go." Saul chuckled as he stepped up beside the bobcat.

"Saul... you ain't leaving too, are you?" Core looked at him. The wolf chuckled, a rumble deep in his chest.

"Nah, not yet at least." He shrugged. "But you never know when that ol' wind will kick up."

"I know what you mean." Core could only nod as a silence fell over the pair, still watching the rig just a hazy spot in the distance. It was a comforting silence, but Core had to break it eventually as she sighed.

"But the wind is calling me, so I'm gonna be heading on out here soon."

"I know.... I know," Saul said softly as he reached up his paw, patting Core on the back. "You two be careful out there. Who knows, maybe we'll cross paths again."

"I'd like that.... Old timer." Core teased gently as Saul furrowed his brow in a mock anger.

"Young punk, get out of here."

Core laughed as she stepped back from Saul, waving to him as she wandered back to the Carris' home. Most of her stuff was ready to go. After packing the truck, she ensured she had enough food and provisions to last a couple of weeks at least.

As she approached the home, she saw Agatha placing a couple of bags on the back of her truck. Cheery was along with her, holding one of Agatha's bags.

"Are you suuuure I can't come too?" Cheery was asking as Core approached.

"I'm sure, Cheery, you need to stay with Mom and Dad." Agatha assured her. "They would be worried sick if you tagged along. Besides, you have school and friends here. You don't want to make them sad by leaving."

"Guess not.." Cheery scuffed her toe against the dirt as Core approached them, crouching down before Cheery.

"Besides, this town is gonna need new lawmen soon, and with those peepers of yours, you'd be one of the best." Core offered a smile to her. That idea seemed to make the lamb more excited, practically bursting with joy at the thought.

"You think I could be a lawman too?!"

"I really do." Core assured the small child with a smile. Reaching a paw up, she removed her battered cowboy hat from her head, setting it on Cheery's woolen head. The lamb giggled as it fell down over her eyes before she pushed it back to see them.

"Then next time you see me, I'ma gonna be sheriff in this town!" Cheery said proudly, striking a bit of a pose.

"I'm sure you will." Agatha knelt down to give her sister a hug as Core rose to her feet. The little lamb sniffled a little but tried to hold it back as Agatha parted from her. Stepping back to the truck, Core opened the passenger door for Agatha, letting her climb in before closing it.

Crossing around to the driver's side, Core slid into the seat, making slight adjustments before the truck roared to life.

As she began to drive, she could see the tiny figure of Cheery waving to them, the desert dust eventually blocking her from view. Core glanced over to Agatha as the town was beginning to vanish in the rearview mirror as well. She expected Agatha to shed a tear or two, but she looked happy, radiant even.

As Core drove on through the desert, Agatha had slid in the seat to cuddle up to her side as she drove. Core didn't mind it one bit. In fact, she could get used to it as she used one hand to drive, the other to curl around her waist and kept her held close.

She thought about her words with Agatha earlier. About settling down in some town, the thought was nice, but today was not that day.

Maybe tomorrow.



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