Chapter Nine

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Sunrise came a little too quick for Core's liking. She had curbed her drinking the night prior to keep a fresh head going into the fight, but she wished she had allowed herself at least a shot of whiskey before she left.

It was just her and Agatha, waiting on the bed of her truck. The rest of the group wanted to come but Core didn't allow it. Too many things could go wrong if it seemed like she was setting up an ambush. Even so, she could still see them on the edge of town.

The cat was right. You really could see forever on these flats.

Core was trying to think of some encouraging words she could say to Agatha, something to make her feel better about what was to come, but with her mind racing, she couldn't hold on to a single thought to get past her lips.

Instead, taking her real paw, she laid it over Agatha's, curling it to hold her hand as she offered the sheep female a small smile. The nurse looked back to her; the smile shared as she leaned against Core's shoulder as she did in their night under the stars.

Sunrise came and went, the sun was crawling higher and higher into the sky as the pair sat waiting and waiting. Minutes were turning to hours in the blistering sun. Even Core's metal arm was starting to feel the heat.

"Maybe he got cold feet?" Agatha offered, finally breaking the silence as she dug out a canteen of water, offering it to Core.

"No, he's just wants to make me sweat, literally and figuratively." She accepted the canteen to take a drink, handing it back to the sheep. "I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction."

Agatha took a pull from the canteen, tucking it away as she took in a deep breath. She was trying so hard to hide her own nerves, but Core could practically smell it on her.

"It'll be all right Agatha." Core spoke to her, her paw squeezing gently. Agatha nodded as she let out the breath she was holding.

"I know, I know it will be." She said confidently.

The sun was starting to tick towards high noon, and just as the sun was reaching its peak, did the pair hear the sound of footsteps crunching against the sand.

"You actually waited since sunrise?" the weasel laughed as he approached the truck. "Oh that is good."

"Get away from my truck. Don't need your weasel stink all over it." Core growled as she rose from her spot on the truck, stepping off the back to the sands below.

"Stink? You wound me, Stryker." The weasel looked fresh as a daisy, still in that god awful burgundy suit and matching hat.

"I'm gonna do a lot more than wound you, c'mon quit stalling and let's do this," Core said as she straightened her vest and shirt a bit.

"To the point, you are your father's daughter, aren't you?" Johnny seemed amused as he took off his hat, holding it out to Agatha. "Here, hold this for me, will you, Sweetheart?"

Agatha's muzzle scrunched at the words, not accepting the held out hat as she simply looked away from the weasel. There was a brief moment of Johnny just awkwardly holding the hat out to her before he shrugged and set it on the edge of Core's truck.

"Now then, we're gonna do this proper." Johnny approached Core. "None of that face off and shoot. The real proper gentlemen's way. We'll stand back to back, step five paces each and shoot on the turn."

"Why in the hell do you think I would ever turn my back on you?" Core's brow furrowed as she looked at him.

"You agreed to a gentleman's duel. This is how gentlemen do it." Johnny raised his paws a bit, like he didn't make the rules. Core stared at him hard, her red eyes flicking over him as she huffed.

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