Chapter Seven

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There was no time for stealth, there was no time for careful planning when there was a ragtag team such as Core's formed group. An Apex predator that towered over every citizen in the town, an older wolf Core was pretty sure was sober enough for the trip, an untrusting gambler and a nurse that really shouldn't have been there.

Smoky had disappeared off from the small group. Her only comment as she left was 'looking for a suitable spot to cover you.' As she carried off a large suitcase with her. Convoy didn't seem worried so Core just let her go.

The hideout Rue had marked on the map led them to a warehouse just bordering the outskirts of town. A few buildings next to and across from it, but they looked as worn down as the warehouse itself. Someone had knocked out and boarded over a few windows. The only tell-tale signs that there were animals inside were the scents lingering around of bodies coming and going, as Core could hear several conversations going on inside, but too many to pick up the exact words.

They had only passed a few civilians on the way inside, but by the way they ran, it was only a matter of time before police was on the scene and if they were indeed in Johnny's back pocket, well that was a whole other mess they were going to have to deal with.

"Everybody ready?" Core asked her small group, making a note that everyone was armed. Even Agatha, she was the only one of the lot that didn't own her own gun, but Core had given her the shotgun from the back of her truck.

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the group as Core had her gun at the ready, but she looked up to Convoy with a grin that exposed her fanged teeth.

"Then let's light it up."

The bear returned the grin as he charged. There was no stealth when a massive bear barreled into the door like a linebacker. The bear charged and, without stopping, easily ripped off the door hinges, using the door as a makeshift shield, catching a couple of Johnny's men in the confusion.

Voices were yelling, animals were going for their weapons when Core and the rest piled in. They had no intent on killing anyone, maybe Johnny, but their shots were for the arms and legs. Anything to incapacitate.

More yelling, more shots. The old warehouse was kicking up dust. It was getting hard to see and smell much of anything. Core saw Rue for a moment before she took cover behind an overturned desk. Agatha wasn't far behind her. The two ladies taking turns to take shots from their cover as Convoy didn't need cover. Bullets weren't even strong enough to get through his fur, let alone his skin.

Letting out a roar, the bear wrapped a palm around one of the goon's head. For a brief moment Core was afraid he was going to crush it, but he just threw the animal towards the opened door. Core didn't suspect he was coming back into the fray anytime soon.

"Saul, you and me take the back." Core grabbed the wolf as most of the focus was on the rampaging bear. Bullets trying to riddle him but he kept on swinging.

"R-right...." The wolf was surprised for just a moment, but Core's words snapped him to attention. Running to the large door in the back, it lead to a small hall of doors, but most of them were open. The only one was an office door at the end of the hall. It had to be the only place Johnny could be in a place like this.

Approaching the door, Saul took one side, Core pressed herself against the wall on the other. The pair took a moment to look at one another. Saul raised three fingers, silently counting them down for them. Once he hit zero, Core didn't bother to check if the door was locked. Grabbing it with her metallic hand, the handle bent horribly in that grip before she ripped the door off its hinges and tossed it away.

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