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After Kanzaburo, Giyuu's Kasugai crow, announced an emergency Hashira meeting, both the Water and Mist Hashiras set off running full-speed in the base's direction. They just finished their joined mission, which other that being annoyingly far from the corps, turned out to be just some low-class demons who didn't even put up much of a fight against them. So they tried their best to get there on time, ending up late anyways.

Now Muichiro and Giyuu were standing before the main gate to the Ubujashiki mansion, taking a second to catch their breath before entering. As they looked around they noticed the rest of the Hashiras standing, which was quite unusual, and heard Mitsuri laughing and talking to someone as they neared the group.

Spotting the familiar blonde hair, their usualy stoic expressions were replaced with looks of suprise. Just as Tomioka was about to ask what happened, Kagaya's soothing voice spoke up.

''It seems like all of us are present now, so let's begin.'', all heads turned to look at the master as he continued talking. ''Giyuu my child, please step forward, alongside Mitsuri.''

As the Love and Water Hashiras emerged from the crowd, Tomioka send a worried glance at the green-eyed girl. He himself didn't care if he'd die in his acts, but Kanroji resembled his sister a lot, and losing somebody close to him could be that one thing to finaly break him. He agreed to commiting seppuku if Nezuko ate a human because he absolutely loved the thought of his own death. But if Mitsuri had to give her life up? Now, that sounded awful.

''Before we begin, is there anyone else amongst us that knew about Douma's whereabouts and let him live? If yes then please join these two.''

Not even a second later, Muichiro was standing beside Giyuu, gripping onto his older friend's long haori sleeve to help focus and ground himself.

Muffled gasps were heard among the Hashiras at the trio's confession. Last time, with Nezuko, it was only Tomioka, who most of the Hashiras hated and despised, but now? Iguro was furious at Giyuu for having such an influence on Mitsuri with his actions, while the others focused on Muichiro, who usualy didn't give a shit about other people's well-being.

''Amane dear, who else joined Giyuu and Mitsuri?''

''Y-young Tokito did, Kagaya.''

''I see...'', the corps leader tried his best to keep his cool and continue smiling, even thought it was becoming harder with each passing second.

Douma, who was seemingly forgotten for the time being, sat tied up under a tree watching the situation unfold. It was quite amusing to watch as the great Ubujashiki Kagaya was struggling with the situation, yet he didn't dare laugh as it could endanger him and his friends.

The sun was rising slowly, so he'd be defenceless against the slayers surrounding him, he wouldn't be able to flee nor would he be able to fight. The rainbow-eyed male decided that enough was enough, and spoke up for the first time since Giyuu arrived.

''Are you all done? These roped realy aren't comfortable.''

''My apologies Douma, we shall start the trial. My children, please be ready to attack if needed. Sanemi, you may start.''

Gyomei, Obanai, and Shinobu(who mostly stayed quiet through the whole conversation), after untying the ropes, took their battle stances ready to strike. While Giyuu, Mitsuri and Muichiro stood there simply waiting.

The Wind Pillar snatched his Katana out of it's sheath and cut his arm open. Thick, scarlet blood stained the ground yet again, for sure he's gonna get an earful from Kanroji later about ruining the garden. As the sweet, metallic smell of Marechi blood filled the air, Douma found himself salivating at the thought of sinking his fangs in the Hashira's rough, scarred flesh. The demon was shaking, his eyes glassed over and pupils thinning in a cat like manner.

Kocho, who knew that Douma was the one to murder her sister, smirked evily, thinking that the blonde would fail. The woman's nichirin blade was coated in fresh Wisteria poison, being at the ready. It would be a pain to find new Hashiras if Tomioka and the rest would be killed, but that's not something she was worrying about.

As Douma took a wobbly step forward, Shinazugawa stayed there pushing his bloodied arm closer to the ex-Kizuki member wearing a crazed over smile.

When everybody thought he was going to get the chance to jump onto the human, Douma fell on his knees biting into his own hand as hard as he could.

''What happened?'', Kagaya asked his children when he noticed a change in the aura.

Kiriya answered right away with, ''The demon decided on harming himself instead of attacking the Wind Hashira. Douma proved himself to be worthy of working with the DS corps, father.''

At that moment Douma twitched and fell to the floor exhausted, barely conscious with his hand still bleeding. In the meantime Shinazugawa walked towards an angry Insect-breathing user to get his arm wrapped up.

''Hmm, then I guess everything is sorted out now. Douma gains the title of a honorable Hashira, let's say Ice Pillar for now, but he's only allowed to go on missions with at least one other slayer. He'll be living at the Water estate with Giyuu, who along with Mitsuri and Muichiro will remain living and keep their Hashira titles. The same rule as with Nezuko applies on you three my children, if Douma harms a human one of you will commit seppuku. You are dismissed.''

As the master made his way inside along with his wife and children, Shinazugawa and Kocho marched over to Tomioka giving him a lecture of sorts. Seeing them screaming at the demons best friend, made Douma upset, which wasn't a pleasant feeling he figured.

The tall male tried to stand up from his spot on the grassy ground, but just as he was about to get out from under a tree, the sun rays shot out from behind a mountain reaching him just barely. Douma fell on his ass and scrambled away deeper into the tree's shadow.

''Excuse me, but I'm burning over here!''

Many heads turned around to look at the slightly fuming demon. Mitsuri squealed loudly in panic, tackling poor Muichiro and shaking him around, as Sanemi decided it's the best time for a snarky remark.

''You're excused.''

''Sanemi!!'', Mitsuri half-yelled. ''That's not nice. Apologise!''

''In your dreams mochi-girl.'', and turned around to leave the estate's grounds, before tripping and falling face-first on the ground.

Douma snickered quietly as the Wind Pillar attempted to brush himself off and leave through the main gate in his estate's direction as fast as possible.

Iguro spoke up suddently with a weird glimmer to his eyes, ''It was your doing, right demon? You just might not be as bad after all. Putting Sanemi in his place like that earned you my respect, keep it up demon and we just might become friends.''

Kaburamaru nodded his little head cutely in confirmation of his best friend's words.
Word count: 1192

I lost my account!! 😭
I got it back! Yippee! 🥳
I'll try to update more guys, now that I'm back.
Autor-chan's out

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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