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(^The picture's mine, I tried my best. Hope you like it :)

A loud, painful screem echoed through the walls of the Infinity castle. It's not the first time when Kokushibo heard it, but still it seemed quite normal to him. Upper one was sure it was just Muzan punishing some low level demons.

Weeks passed, now he was sure that it wasn't normal. They usualy started after an upper moon meeting, so he stayed yet again to listen to them, and maybe he would be able to tell who they belonged to.

He had no luck with that.

At these times he couldn't find Nakime anywere, so naturaly he thought they belonged to the one-eyed demon. Yet, something wasn't right. He could tell that it wasn't a female's voice. Kokushibo could bet that they didn't belong to the Demon King as well, so whose were they?

He had enough, and decided to ask the lord himself. But when he got there, after a meeting of course, he witnessed something realy disturbing, disgusting, and something that even Muzan shouldn't do. To anyone. Saying that the tall male was furious was an understanding.

Before his very own six eyes, layed Douma. Beaten up to a pulp, naked, shaking, crying and screeming while a demon much more powerful than him, sat on top forcefully fucking him with no care in the world.

''Master... what is the meaning of this?'', he finaly spoke braking the black haired male from his trance. Douma didn't even flinch, probably not being able to move.

''Ahh, Kokushibo. He deserves it! Every demon should fear me, and I'll make sure of that no matter the consequences.''

''This is too much, how long is this going on? A week? Month?! Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY deserves a treatment like this!''

''This piece of trash will regenerate in a bit, he's of no use to me now anyway. You can take him, or leave, I could've care less. From now on I won't even touch Douma.'', and with that said, he sent a final kick to the ribs to Douma and left the room.

Kokushibo quickly took his yukata off and draped it over the now shivering male. Slowly he picked the said demon up meanwhile calling for Nakime to teleport them somewere else, which just happened to be right before the short woman.

''I'm sorry Upper one, but I knew about this...''

''Then, if I may know, why didn't you inform anyone?!'', he was shouting at this point.

''I was forbid by Master to tell you, and when I tried with Akaza he just laughed it off saying that Douma deserved it. I'm sorry...''

Letting out a long shaky breath, he fixed his grip on Upper two a bit and decided to let the biwa women go, she did seem kinda... worried, he'd dare to say.

''Where's Douma's room? I'll forget about this situation.. if, you take me there.''

She stood up from her platform and started walking, while making sure that she's still being followed by the tall demon. As soon as they got to their destinied location, Kokushibo layed the silver-blonde demon down on a huge pillow seat he had.

Deciding it'd be best to stay till the upper moon wakes up, he sat down next to him, never thinking that Nakime would do the same. She did feel a bit guilty, so it's quite normal she'd want to stay and apologise later.

A few minutes passed in complete silence when Douma's rainbow coloured eyes opened the first time in about an hour. The said demon shot up panting, on the werge of tears. But as soon as he noticed two more presences in his room, he quickly calmed down and fake-smiled even bigger than usual.

''Ah! Kokushibo-dono~  What brings you here? Did you miss me?!''

''Douma... we know everything.'', Nakime spoke up.

''Oh! Nakime-chan! I didn't even notice you're here as well, were you worried? :)''

''Stop playing dumb Douma, you know why we're here. I want to apologise for not doing anything before... I-I'm sorry...''

''It's alright Nakime-chan! See? I'm still smiling! I forgive you :3''

''Douma...'', it was now the older demon who spoke, ''Even if you're smiling, that doesn't mean you're okay... if you want to we can talk,... or we can stay here with you and keep you company. I want to apologise as well, for not noticing anything sooner, I hope you can forgive me Upper two.''

Douma's mask broke for the very first time in a long, long time. First he started crying, tears streaming down his face like waterfalls, next his smile fell, while quiet sobs escaped his mouth. The male curled up onto himself, seemingly forgetting about the two demon's next to him.

''You can cry Douma... I won't stop you. I'm here to help, and same goes for Nakime.''

''I-I-I-I'm s-sorry! I ne-never...''

''There's nothing to apologise for Upper two, I know how it feels...'', Nakime spoke up suddenly. ''Can I maybe... can I hug you? Usually it helps people, and I don't really know what else to d-''

Before Nakime could finish, Douma clung to her like his life depends on it. After a few seconds of processing what happened, she slowly snaked her arms around his upper body to enbrance him.

After a bit of crying and screaming, he lost consiousness from the emotional fatigue. Kokushibo and Nakime stayed hugging him the whole day, with little smiles on their faces.


Word count: 927

I know that I have other stories, and it probably doesn't make sense that I'm writing another one, but I loved this idea, and just wanted to make sure I have it somewere safe to not forget it.
Autor-chan's out :)

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