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After his brief encounter with Tamayo, Douma found himself staying in caves and other well hidden places during daytime, and killing low level demons at night (keeping them in an open area untill the sun made an appearance usualy worked).

He already got used to the constant hunger and his weird sleeping schedule, so that wasn't a problem. But running away from Slayers and keeping a safe distance from normal humans was proven to be difficult. Throughout the weeks, there was one time when the silver-blond haired male barely made it out alive. Loosing the blind Hashira was difficult, and he managed to do it only by slowly, quietly walking off to the forest so the other couldn't hear him.

Right now, Douma was cursing at himself for helping two unconsious demon Slayers, apparently Hashiras, who were poisoned on their last mission. It was a young woman with weird coloured hair, and a boy who looked no older than a fifteen year old. Both seemed pretty strong, and could kill him easily if provoked.

The rainbow-eyed demon found them laying on the forest ground running a fever, the younger one hugging the girl tightly when he picked them both up and carried the duo to a somehow warm cave that served him as a shelter from the sun. Douma placed them next to eachother and went for a quick walk to the nearest village, coming back with two slightly ripped blankets and some human food, roasted daikon and freshly cooked yellow-curry meat.

When the ex-kizuki member was sure the two were comfortable enough, and saw them stirring in their sleep, he decided to wake them up for food.

''Heyy~ miss and mister Hashira. Wake upp! It's not far away from morning, I'm sure you had enough sleep, come onn~.''

The green-eyed female woke up sputtering some nonsense about how early it was, before jolting up and searching for her katana as soon as she sensed the demon presence. Mitsuri spotted Muichiro safe and sleeping next to her, covered in warm, fluffy blankets, with his head on a folded haori that she was sure she saw somewhere before.

''Eek! Wh-what are you doing with us!? I won't let you hur-hurt Tokito-kun!''

With a calm smile on his face Douma started speaking in his usual cheery voice, ''Now now, we should all calm down. Will you feel safer if I give you your sword? You can take it, I won't mind, it's behind you near that spare blanket.''

The love Hashira in a second could be found holding her nichirin blade, taking a fighting stance.

Douma took a few steps forward towards the young woman and held his hand out, slowly grasping her unique blade and keeping it in place.

''Hmmm~ I don't realy think you need this at the moment, no?''

''You're a demon! I'm gonna slay you for whatever you wanted to do to me and Tokito-kun!''

Letting out a long sigh, Douma stepped back and healed his palm in less than a second. ''Miss Hashira, don't you think that if I realy wanted to, I'd harm you while you were sleeping?''

Kanroji, deep in thought now, slowly lowered her katana into it's sheath. The girl with three braids glanced briefly at Muichiro, then visibly relaxed. Taking in the demon's appearance, she took a mental note to look out for his metal-golden fans and rainbow eyes since she had no idea what his blood demon art could be.

The cave they were in seemed quite cozy, so the demon was probably living here for a while, Misuri concluded now more awake.

''Demon, I can tell you're on a Kizuki's level in power. Why didn't you eat us?''

''I was bored!''

''Huh?...'', the pink and green haired woman stood there puzzled, frozen in place.

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