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''Ghnnnnn~ my head.''

''Here, have some water. Your headache should go away shortly.''

The rainbow-eyed demon sat up and took a sip from the bamboo cup before spitting it out a second later with a panicked gaze searching all over the place.

''W-wait! Who the hell ar-''

''Lady Tamayo, we met four days ago. This is Yushiro-'', the kind looking woman said, while pointing at a boy who stood silently by her side. ''And this is Chachamaru.'', Tamayo continued while showing him a cute demon-cat creature.

''O-oh... well I'm Douma! Nice to meet you! But if I may ask, where are we? And why are we here?''

''We're not far from the current Demon Slayer corps headquarters, but I'm afraid I can't tell you anything more.'', she replied with a saddened look.

''That's fine! I knew where they were for a few months now, Giyuu is my friend and I even slept at his estate a few times.''

''Wait, you were at the DS corps grounds?!'', the younger demon from before butted in the conversation. ''You're a filthy liar! There's no way they'd let you live!''

''Unfortunately I have to agree with Yushiro. I've been working with Kagaya for a while now, and there's no way for me to get any closer to them, or I'd die immediately.''

''Silly! Of course not everyone knew, just me and Giyuu. Oh! And Kanzaburo, he's such a sweet birdy. Can I pet Chachamaru? Pleasee~''

Dumbfounded all three demons stared at Douma not getting what the hell happened, his childish behaviour, nor how he is still alive. Chachamaru decided to make a move, slowly walking towards the ex-Kizuki member and snuggling up against his leg while letting the other to pet his head carefully.

Yushiro sat down next to lady Tamayo staring with interest at the older demon. Douma's eyes were literaly sparkling with joy as he scratched the cat-demon's ear and neck earning a quiet purr. Smiling widely, the blonde picked the cat gently as to not startle it, and placed it on his lap. It was quite the incredible sight indeed.

Finaly having the chance, the taller male took a look at his surroundings. Judging by the soft glow emitting from outside the cave they were staying at, he could guess that it was daytime. Taking a deap breath to clear his mind and smell the air around him for any traps or demon slayers, Douma hugged the kitten who now sat in his arms mewing contently against his chest.

''Miss Tamayo... why are we here?''

There was a long pause before the demoness answered, ''I was heading here with Yushiro, before, you know, but I didn't want to leave you there for a demon slayer to find. Douma, I promised Kagaya that I won't put any of his children's life in danger. I don't know how much I can trust you, so from now on you're on your own. You may stay here till the sun sets, other than that we have never met, I never helped you, we have no idea about each others existence or goal. I wish you the best, but far away from us.''

''I see...'', Douma was still playing with Chachamaru. ''I wish you the best as well. There seems to be enough shadow for me to leave now though, so I'll be on my way.''

Slowly peeling the cat off of himself, Douma put it aside and before neither demon could get a grasp on what he's doing, bowed flat on the floor muttering a quick ''Thank you.'', then disappearing into thin air.

Word count:603(short chapter ik)

Hello my human friends!
It's a short chapter today, but I'll try to update again this week.
Love ya all darlings!
Autor-chan's out

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