Kareoke in the Auditorium

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[VERY early the next morning]

[Ianto, Jack, 9 and Mickey head to Russell's office]

Ianto- Does your uncle not own a cellphone, Jack?

Jack- Yeah-

Ianto- Then why can't you just text him? Why do we have to bother him at 6:30 in the morning?

Jack- He rarely check it. Especially if it's from me

Mickey- [looks at Ianto] you woke me up at 4 yesterday? Why is what we're doing any different?

Ianto- the difference is...that I actually respect Russell

9- [snorts] burn

Ianto- It wasn't an Insult. It was a fact.

Mickey- [annoyed]

9- ooo...double burn!

Jack- Shh, everyone. We don't want to wake anyone up

Mickey- are we even going the right way?

Jack- [Holts, and turns to look at Mickey] I've lived here for 13 years Rickey, I think I'd know if we were going the wrong way-

Mickey- It's Mickey

9- [subtly steers Jack In the correct direction]

Jack- It's really hard to see- [Mumbles to the doctor]

9- Get glasses then mate

Jack- I do I have contacts

9- What happened to them?

Jack- the pterodactyl ate them

9- What- how...you know what, I don't even wanna know

Ianto- [yawns]

[They reach Russell's door]

Jack- Mick...

Mickey- [looks up] mh?

Jack- Go on then, nock

Mickey- [hesitates]

Ianto- You know...before he dies of old age

Mickey- Oh shut up. Why do I have to do it. He's Jack's uncle

Jack- exactly! He'll resent me for months. You- maybe just a week or two

Mickey- [nervously walks towards the door] for rose [mumbles]

9- [opens the door] sorry, wrestless hands [walks in]

[The others follow]

Russell- [pulls out a gun] who's there?!

[They all scream, loudly]

Jack- uncle it's just me! Your nephew!

Russell- oh, sorry. You startled me [lowers the gun] how can I help you?

9- [shoves Mickey forward]

Mickey- I...I...er

Russell- well?

Mickey- I want to throw a party, to celebrate the end of the rule game

Russell- what sort of party?

Mickey- Kareoke...

Russell- When?

Mickey- Maybe...6 to 10

Russell- what about 3 to 7?

Jack- No way! Party's aren't fun unless it's dark out-

Ianto- [nods in agreement]

Russell- 10oclock is too late. I'm sorry. Those who won the game will need to get some rest before the tour of the T.A.R.D.I.S

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