The Rule Game- Part One

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[Day two of Torchwood Academy]

[Room 101]

Rose- [asleep]

Martha- [walks out the bathroom, towel wrapped around her] How is she STILL asleep?

Donna- [pokes Rose]

Sarah Jane- She's not dead, Donna

Donna- Better to be safe than sorry!

Sarah Jane- [pulls Donna away] Go have a shower before Rose wakes up and-

Rose- [runs into the bathroom and slams the door]

Sarah Jane- Does that....

Donna- Oi!

Rose- Sorry! [turns on the shower]

Donna- She's not sorry

Sarah Jane- [laughs]

Donna- But don't worry, I'll get my revenge...

Martha- Oo, can I help!

Donna- I-

Martha- please please please please!

Donna- Okay! Okay! Keep your towel on woman!

[They look at Sarah Jane]

Sarah Jane- You can count me out

[Not long later]

[Rose walks back into the room]

Rose- What's for brea-


[A bucket of soapy water falls onto her]

Rose- [screams]

Donna and Martha- [laugh]

Sarah Jane- [looks at Rose's hair, concerned] Donna...

Rose- Very funny guys

Donna- That's what happens when you-

Sarah Jane- Donna!

Donna- What?

Sarah Jane- Hand me the shampoo you put in that bucket-

Donna- Why?

Sarah Jane- Just do it!

Martha- [also notices Rose's hair and gasps]

Rose- what's going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?

Sarah Jane- It'

Rose- [runs back Into the bathroom and looks in the mirror]

Donna- let me see [grabs the bottle] oh...

Rose- [screams] DONNA

[Room 106]

Ianto- wake up wake up wake up wake up

9- [opens one eye]

Ianto- he's awake [walks over to Jack] happy now?

Jack- we need an alarm clock...

Ianto- [annoyed that Jack isn't impressed]

9- [notices] Nahh, who needs an alarm clock when we've got Ianto!

Ianto- thank you. At least someone appreciates my efforts

[He pulls out a stopwatch]

Ianto- you have exactly 10 minutes and 42 seconds to have a shower

Jack- he wants to eat breakfast at exactly 8'oclock-

9- Ah

Ianto- you just wasted twelve seconds...

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