The Rule Game- Part Three

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[Room 105]

[After class]

9- Well that was a fantastic first lesson! I can't wait to see who wins!

Ianto- I can't wait to watch that Sacha boy loose, he's bound to do something WAY over the top-

Jack- That's true

Mickey- I doubt Kate the goody two-shoes will complete it either. The only thing she's good at is FOLLOWING the rules

9- and the only thing your good at, is making fun of people who are way smarter than you

Mickey- oh shut up-

Ianto- we need to come up with a plan, if we want to win

Jack- you mean? You want together?

Ianto- yeah, why not

9- [rubs his hands together] this is going to be FUN

Mickey- and stressful

9- stressful, maybe, but mostly FUN!

Jack- and difficult

9- fine, stressful, difficult...but most importantly...FUN

Ianto- and-

9- I give up.

[Room 103]

Osgood- Oh I would love to see whatever a TARDIS is!

13- [dangling down from the top bunk] me too!

Yaz- [moves Jodie's hair out of the way] I have to say, Steven's pretty crafty getting everyone to be on their best behavior just like that

13- huh?

Osgood- what do you mean?

13- I think you misunderstood the game, Yaz. The goal is to BREAK the rules

Yaz- yes. I know that. But...if we break even ONE rule and get caught, we're out. Therefore we have to be on our best behavior every day for the next two months until we've completed the task...

Osgood- oh. I never thought of it like that

13- that Sneaky man!

Yaz- I'd do the same if I was a teacher- [laughs]

13- I thought you wanted to be a cop?

Yaz- yes, but I couldn't exactly condome crime for a competition now, could I?

13- no, that would indeed be catastrophic

Osgood- they made a movie about that actually-

Yaz- really?

Osgood- yes, it's called the purg-

Kate- [walks into the room, her face in a large book]

13- hello!

Osgood- what are you reading? anything interesting?

Kate- just some extra work-

Yaz- extra work?! Already? We haven't even had our first proper lesson!

Kate- I know. I got it from the library! [smiles, proudly]

13- there's a library? Since when?

Kate- since says so on the label

[She points to the Torchwood label on the back of the book]

Yaz- wow, the school is old

Osgood- old? It's ancient!

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