Clubs- Part One

140 3 94

[Sorry for the break. Take this 7000 word chapter 😍]

[Tw- Grief, Loss of a loved one/parent]

[1 month after the TARDIS]

[Room 103]

[8:00 am, Tuesday]

13- [walks into the room] may I have your attention please!

Yaz- [groans, shuffles further under the covers]

Osgood- [walks out of the bathroom] What's going on?

Kate- It appears...Jodie wants to make an announcement?

13- correct [looks at Yaz and coughs, loudly] Yasmin

Yaz- [pulls down the covers a bit]

13- thank you. So, I spoke to Russell, and I'll be OFFICALLY hosting a Drama Club, today...after lessons

Yaz- [smiles] that's great!

Kate- what room are you using to host it?

13- The Auditorium! Only room with a

Yaz- Do you need help setting up?

13- [nods] only if you want to. Oh and...can you do my hair again?

Yaz- [sits up] come here

13- [jumps onto her bed]

Osgood- Kate, haven't you been talking about starting a club of your own?

Kate- Yes. Maybe I'll get it arranged soon

13- ow

Yaz- sit still!

[The cafeteria, 8:30 am]

Clara- [walks over to Missy's table, where she's sitting alone, and takes a seat next to her]

Missy- Clara...

Clara- Yeah?

[Rose, Donna, Martha, Sarah Jane, Ianto, Jack and Mickey are sat at a nearby table, chatting and laughing loudly amongst themselves]

Missy- Go eat with them, I know you want to.

Clara-'d be alone

Missy- Exactly

Clara- [looks over at the others]

Rose- [smiles and waves at her]

Clara- [does the same back, happy]

Missy- Go-

Clara- I'll...I'll see you in class, yeah?

Missy- Just go!

Clara- [walks over to the other table]

Missy- [watches]

Clara- [turns around] come meet them-

Missy- I've already met them

Clara- not properly

Missy- Clara, I'd rather jump of a roof than get to know ANYONE here

Clara- [laughs]

Missy- I'm not joking

Clara- Oh...well, that's too bad, because I think they'd really like you

Missy- [pauses]....shut up

Clara- Also...I know you've been avoiding me

Missy- Good. It's not like I try to hide it

Clara- Even more since Rose Mysteriously took me to see the TARDIS, upon someone else's request...

Missy- I don't know what your talking about

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