Chapter 18

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The ringing in her ears wouldn't stop, she could tell that people were talking in the room but she couldn't make out the words.

Just staring at the man grinning in front of her.

Her brother.

Her twin.

Sebastian was just as stuck as her. Couldn't move, couldn't speak. Frozen in place from his own twin, staring back at him.

"Funny isn't it?" Anne chuckles, her arm running down Maeve's brothers. "Two sets of twins falling in love with the others."

"Depends on your sense of humour." Ominis grumbles, Poppy lightly smacking his arm and scowling at him. 

"Wh-what's your name?" Maeve chokes out.

She wasn't entirely sure why that was the first sentence she said, but it was. Sebastian laced his fingers with hers and she snapped her head to look at him.

She could see the tortured expression on his face, so she gave a gentle squeeze to his hand to signal she was there.

"Daniel." The blonde man said, snapping Maeve's attention back to her. "Daniel Black."

"You took his name." Maeve purses her lips at him.

Anne rolled her eyes and walked over to the side of the room, where a bottle of whiskey sat. Her long red dress swishing as she walks back towards Sebastian handing him the drink she had poured.

He stares at it, not knowing what to do with it.

"What?" Anne says. "I'm not one to kill family members." She winks at him and Sebastian grabs the drink from her and throws it across the room.

Anne lets out a maniacal laugh as she reaches Daniel's side again, giving him the other drink.

Maeve narrowed her eyes at Anne, there was something different about her. Her eyes looked so different.

Granted she only met the girl a few times, but she could've sworn she had the same eyes as Sebastian. And those eyes she's seen plenty of.

"How?" Sebastian asks nodding towards Anne.

"Once Anne learned that to use the curse to her advantage, she was fine." Marvolo said clapping Ominis on the back. Ominis grimaced as Marvolo step around the couple.

Poppy just stayed glued to his side, not uttering a word as she watched the events unfold in front of her.

"That's not what happened." Anne snapped at Marvolo. "If you're going to tell them, tell them the truth."

"I'll do it." Daniel sighs, turning slightly to place the crystal glass down on the desk. He pushes up the sleeves of his black dress jacket, revealing his arms that were full of tattoos.

"Stop." Maeve said closing her eyes. She draws a shaky breath, turning to Poppy and Ominis. "Leave."

"What?" Ominis hisses, "are you mad?"

"You two are about to get married, if you're in here any longer people will start to question where we all went." Maeve says turning to Poppy, giving her a pleading glance. Poppy just nods slowly.

"Come on, they will come find us." Poppy grasps Ominis' arm.

"I don't trust him." Ominis mumbles his face turning in Marvolos direction.

Marvolo just leaned up against the wall with a drink in his hand, an amused smirked painted across his face.

"I'll be on my best behaviour, besides Sallow here is an auror." Marvolo tipped his drink towards Sebastian and Anne lets out a snicker.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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