Chapter 5

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Sebastian waited by the entrance to the gardens. As much as he didn't want Maeve alone, he knew she could handle herself.

Pulling his pocket watch out of his black trousers pocket, he glanced down.

It's been too long.

He entered the manor to see Marvolo smirking as he walked by him, his shoulder slightly bumping into him. A chill swept through Sebastian's body.

He shouldn't have left her.

He breaks into an urgent stride going the way in which Marvolo just emerged from. His heart was racing, he turns a corner and see's Maeve leaned ups against the wall, her eyes closed.

"What did he do?" Sebastian growls. Maeve opens her eyes to look at him, her bottom lip trembled and he felt anger flush through him. "What did he do?" He asks again through clenched teeth.

"Just talked to me." Her voice was shaky, all Sebastian could see was red. He had her so spooked that she couldn't stop trembling.

"What did he talk to you about?" Sebastian demanded gripping her wrist. Her eyes flew open and she stared at him.

Maeve could see the flicker of anger dancing in his eyes.

"Sebastian I'm fine." She told him, she hoped to Merlin that it was convincing enough.

"What did he say?" His grip on her tightens and she winces in pain.

"Sebastian, you're hurting me." She whispered looking into his eyes, almost instantly they softened.

"I'm sorry." He releases her.

"Let's find Ominis and Poppy. I'll explain when we get home." Home. The way she said home as if Feldcroft was her home.

Sebastian couldn't explain the warmth that spread through his chest when she said that. That she thought his home was her home. He nodded as he motioned for her to lead him back into the party.

Maeve squealed once she caught sight of some of their friends from school, particularly excited to see Adelaide Oakes and Natsai Onai.

She throws her arms around both of the girls.

"It is so good to see you my friend." Natty says as she pulls back straightening out her red dress.

"Seriously, it's been too long." Adelaide agrees. Maeve turns to look at Adelaide peaking over her shoulder at Sebastian who remained locked in conversation with Ominis.

"Yeah it has been." Maeve gives her a soft smiles Maeve couldn't explain the pit in her stomach as she watched Sebastian wave to Adelaide, the sour  taste on her tongue.

Of course they were friends, they all went to school together. Maeve knew Adelaide had fancied him in school, half of the girls did. She would constantly ask Maeve many questions about him.

Poppy peeled herself away from whatever family she was speaking with and screeched barreling into the three girls.

"Thank Merlin you are all here!" She breathed grabbing their hands. Her voice lowered as she said, "I am going mad, I have no idea who any of these people are."

Maeve lets out a small giggle, as a warm hand rests on her shoulder.

"Long time no see Crawford." Garreth Weasley boomed and Maeve grinned throwing her arms around his neck.

"Garreth!" Maeve squealed happily as she pulled back from the embrace. "I thought the Gaunts hated the Weasleys?"

"Oh they do." Ominis strolls overs with Sebastian hot on his trail looking rather displeased. "But they gave Poppy some freedom to invite friends." He slid his arm around Poppy holding her close to him.

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