Chapter 2

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Maeve stood in front of the wooden oak door, her fist suspended in air. Her trunk rested on the ground beside her. She debated on not even coming, when she apparated to Feldcroft she knew the nausea wasn't from the sensation.

"This is stupid."

She mutters to herself as she brings her fist to knock on the door with three raps.

She heard a crashing noise from inside the home, then footsteps.

The door flung open and Poppy immediately threw her arms around her neck, as if she didn't see her less than twenty four hours ago.

"I had half a mind you weren't coming."

Poppy breathed into her hair, she pulls back and gives her friend a smile. Poppy grabs her hand pulling her into the cottage, she watches over Poppy's shoulder as Ominis flicks his wand. Maeve's trunk disappears, likely to the guest room.

The Feldcroft home had changed drastically, there were stairs now that led to a second level where the three bedrooms likely were now.

"I thought about not coming."

Maeve admits, she walks over to Ominis throwing her arms around him.

"But I missed you."

"Everyone misses me." Ominis teases embracing her back.

"Yes yes, we all love Princess Ominis."

Sebastian's voice fills the room. Maeve felt her heart sink into her stomach. She pulls back to turn towards where Sebastian was now standing. Her breath caught in her throat when she took in how much he has changed in the last two years.

His brown hair still messy and wavy, but slightly longer a few locks draped over his forehead. His face had matured, his jawline much more prominent. The only features that remained the same were his brown eyes and his perfect array of freckles.


Maeve whispered holding his gaze.


Sebastian gave her a once over, her dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a French braid down her back, those blue-grey eyes that haunted his dreams, the pinkness that always flushed her cheeks. She was always the most beautiful girl to him, he had half a mind to tell her that so many times while they were in school. Not that she needed anyone to tell her, not with half the boys falling at her feet.

"Right, so shall we eat dinner and then get to it?"

Poppy asked tugging on Maeve's arm, she finally tore her eyes away from Sebastian's and smiles.

"Of course Poppy."

Sebastian watched as she walked by him. Her scent of jasmine and lilies filled his nose.

When Poppy first suggested she come and stay with them in Feldcroft, he said no. How on earth could he face her again after that night? He knew it had hurt her so badly, he wanted to explain. He was angry she wouldn't let him explain why he hadn't shown up that night, why he left her there alone, waiting for him.

Then he had thought that perhaps it would offer him an opportunity to apologize, explain what had happened. It wasn't like he wanted her to give him a second chance, but he missed his best friend.

"Are you alright?"

Ominis asks quietly placing a hand on Sebastian's shoulder snapping him back to reality. Ominis was the only one who knew what had happened between the two of them, sworn to never tell a soul, not even his now fiancé.

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