Crossroads of Protection and Affection

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As Abhi entered the grand mansion, his father's stern voice greeted him,  "Where have you been?"

"Papa I was with Riddhima and Veer" Abhi replied

"What prompted this unexpected absence?"

his father probed further

"Actually, Papa, there was an incident," Abhi explained,

"Riddhima was being harassed by some boys, so I intervened to rectify the situation and teach them a valuable lesson" his tone tinged with satisfaction.

His father's brows furrowed in a mixture of concern and reprimand

"Are you implying that you require guards to ensure her safety? Remember, your true identity is Abhimanyu Singh Shekhawat, not just 'Abhi.' Are you suggesting that you, alone, are incapable of protecting her?"

his father exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Papa, it's not a matter of capability. I am well aware of my abilities and what I can accomplish. I am fully capable of protecting her on my own,"

Abhi responded calmly.

"Then why the need for guards?"

his father pressed, still skeptical

"It's not about my own limitations, but rather a desire to avoid resorting to violence. 

Abhi explained, his tone unwavering.

I chose not to resort to violence to uphold our family's reputation," Abhi responded calmly, his respect for his father evident.

"Did I ever imply that my son's actions would tarnish our reputation? No, it brings me pride. Henceforth, you have my blessing to act as you see fit,"

his father declared proudly, a smile of approval gracing his lips.

"Are you serious?" his wife interjected, her tone incredulous.

"Cease meddling in affairs between father and son; this is your final warning,"

Raghav Singh Shekhawat silenced his wife with a single, stern glance.

His wife recoiled at the forcefulness in his voice.

"Abhimanyu, I understand your affection for Riddhima, but it's important to recognize that she is still in the early stages of her life.

However, if you envision a future with her, you must take decisive steps to make her yours. Remember, my son, there are no limits to what you can accomplish."

His father's words were filled with wisdom and encouragement.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Abhimanyu rushed to his father and embraced him tightly. "Thank you, Papa,"

he whispered, his heart brimming with determination and love.

As Abhi makes his way home from school, his attention is suddenly drawn to the sight of Veer and Riddhima sprinting towards him, their hands intertwined.

"What's the reason for your hand-holding dash?"

he inquires, unable to conceal the twinge of envy in his voice.

"A dog was running behind us"

Riddhima replied

Abhi, with a hint of amusement, echoed, "How amusing, the two of you fleeing from a dog,"

Abhi mocked their situation, but his eyes remained fixated on their intertwined hands.

"Let go of her hand; there's no dog pursuing either of you,"

he insisted as he gently tugged Riddhima along with him.

"Hey, where are you two headed?"

Veer called out.

Confused, Veer protested, but Abhi brushed him off, focusing solely on Riddhima.

"I need to impart a lesson to her; you head home,"

Abhi replied, leading her away.

"What subject are you going to teach me today?"

Riddhima inquired.

"Hmm?" Abhi uttered, taken aback.

"You told Veer you'd teach me a lesson,"

she innocently reminded him.

"She's incredibly naive,"

Abhi thought to himself.

"Unfortunately, I must prepare my belongings tomorrow as I am departing for Delhi. I shall see you tomorrow,"

he responded before departing

His words left her feeling melancholic; she had grown accustomed to Abhi's daily presence. The prospect of his absence for a month weighed heavily on her heart.


Today, Abhi and his family embarked on a journey to Delhi, accompanied by an air of farewell as Riddhima and Veer stood by to bid him goodbye.

"Bye, we won't miss you,"

Veer teased with a smirk playing on his lips

He enveloped Riddhima in a warm embrace, whispering, "Take care. I'll be back soon."

Little did they realize, it was to be their final rendezvous of childhood innocence.

With a final wave, Abhi departed, his parents at the helm, leaving behind memories and heartfelt goodbyes.

"I'll miss you, Abhi,"

Riddhima murmured, her voice trembling slightly as she brushed away a tear.

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