|2| Unspoken Confessions

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When Riddhima walked into her home, she called out to her mother, Sheetal Malhotra, a strong and respected woman in the business world. Sheetal had taken over her late husband’s companies after his passing, managing everything with a firm hand.

"Why are you late? School ends at 3:00, doesn’t it?"

Her mother asked as soon as she noticed Riddhima arriving later than usual.

Riddhima quickly explained,

"I had a study session with Abhi. He was helping me prepare for tomorrow’s test."

Curious, she then asked, "Why are you home from the office so early? And where’s Di?"

Sheetal sighed lightly and replied,

"My evening meeting got canceled. As for Janvi, she’s out doing her wedding shopping."

Riddhima beamed, thinking about her sister's upcoming wedding. Janvi was set to marry the love of her life, even though their mother had originally hoped for her to choose someone else.

Riddhima couldn’t wait for the wedding celebrations to begin.

"Wow, it's going to be such a fun wedding!"

Riddhima said with a giggle, already imagining the joy and excitement that was just around the corner.

★⋆. ࿐࿔

At the Shekhawat mansion, Abhi asked his father about their upcoming plans for the day.

"We're going to visit your grandmother,"

His father, Raghav Singh Shekhawat, answered.

Although Raghav was well-respected in the business world, there were whispers about his connections to the mafia in Italy. Some even believed he wanted Abhi to one day take over his secret empire.

"I don't want to go. Can’t you just go with Mom?"

Abhi complained, clearly not looking forward to the trip.

"You need to come with us for this event. That's final,"

Raghav said, shutting down any further discussion.

Frustrated, Abhi let out a huff, annoyed that he had no choice but to go.

★⋆. ࿐࿔

Next Day during lunch break at school Veer was staring at some senior girls from the college nearby. "They’re so hot,"

He said loudly, clearly trying to get attention.

"Stop with your nonsense, Veer. Riddhima is right here,"

Abhi snapped, annoyed by Veer's behavior.

Veer, unfazed, smirked and said, "Oh, she knows all about this stuff. She just pretends to be innocent."

He then reached out and tapped Riddhima on the forehead with his finger.

Riddhima’s irritation grew, feeling annoyed with Veer’s teasing.

Abhi’s patience finally wore thin. "Stop touching her like that. This is your final warning,"

He said, his voice laced with anger.

Veer, never one to back down, smirked again. "And what are you gonna do if I do it again? I’m curious,"

He said, clearly enjoying the rising tension.

Abhi shot Veer a sharp glare, ready to escalate things further. The atmosphere between them was growing more heated by the second.

Sensing things were getting out of hand, Riddhima quickly spoke up. "Enough with the fighting, both of you. Can we talk about something else?"

She said, trying to calm them down.

Veer, always playful, responded with a grin, "What else would you like to talk about, sweetheart?"

Abhi felt a pang of jealousy the moment Veer called her 'sweetheart.' He didn’t like hearing that nickname, especially from Veer.

"Why is he calling her that?"

Abhi wondered silently, feeling a little possessive.

Riddhima, clearly irritated, shot back at Veer, "Stop calling me that."

Abhi, feeling a small sense of pride in her response, muttered to himself, "That’s my girl."

"What did you just say?"

Veer asked, catching Abhi’s comment.

"Nothing. I’m going back to class,"

Abhi said abruptly, not wanting to stick around any longer. He quickly left the cafeteria, not wanting to engage any further.

Veer watched him leave and chuckled, turning back to Riddhima. "Sometimes it feels like he is the most dumbest creation . Anyway, see you tomorrow, sweetheart,"

Veer said, walking away with his usual swagger.

Riddhima had enough. "I SAID STOP CALLING ME THAT!"

She shouted after him, finally fed up with Veer’s teasing.

★⋆. ࿐࿔

While studying, Riddhima excitedly asked Abhi if he would attend her sister’s wedding. She was really looking forward to having him there, but her excitement quickly faded when she found out he would be going on a short vacation around the same time.

Feeling a bit unsure, Riddhima hesitated for a moment before gathering the courage to speak up. "Abhi, there's something I want to ask you,"

She began, her voice a little shaky.

Abhi noticed her serious tone and encouraged her gently, "Go ahead,What’s on your mind?"

Riddhima furrowed her brow as she shared her thoughts. "I don’t understand why they’re rushing into getting married. These days, people can just live together without getting married, right? I don’t want my sister to leave me,"

She said, sounding both confused and sad.

Abhi felt a pang of empathy for her. He could sense how hard it was for her to accept the idea of her sister moving on to a new phase of life. Trying to comfort her, he explained,

"They’re getting married because they love each other and want to build a life together. Your sister is really happy about this, Riddhima. Don’t you want to see her happy too?"

He hoped his words would help her feel better, knowing how tough it was to watch family members grow up and move on.

Riddhima quickly shook her head, realizing she wasn’t clear. "No, it’s not that I don’t want her to be happy. I guess I’m just feeling a little sad about it all. But, Abhi, are you saying that if a woman is happy with someone, she should marry him and stay with him forever?"

Abhi nodded with a calm smile. "Yes, that’s what marriage is about,"

He said simply.

Riddhima, without really thinking it through, suddenly blurted out, "Well, then I want to marry you someday, because I’ve never been happier with anyone else."

Abhi was stunned. He didn’t expect her to say something like that, and for a moment, he didn’t know what to say. Her words hung in the air, and he felt the weight of them, but he wasn’t sure how to respond to such an impulsive declaration.

Riddhima, seeing that he hadn’t answered, pushed further.

"Come on, Abhi, will you think about marrying me in the future?"

Abhi, feeling uncomfortable and unsure, tried to steer the conversation away from her question.

"Let’s worry about that when the time comes, Riddhima. Right now, you need to focus on your studies,"

He said, avoiding eye contact and hoping to change the subject.

Inside, he was thinking, "She’s really out of her mind," but he didn’t say it out loud.

Instead, he just kept quiet, trying to keep things calm as they went back to their study session.

★⋆. ࿐࿔

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