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(This story will probably be the most ooc thing you'll ever read)

My life has always been quiet.

I've always liked it like that, I'd do anything for a little peace and quiet.

The sweet silence that follows behind every serene second.

That is until the blare of my alarm clock screams, loud buzzing bouncing off the inside of my mind, removing me from whatever peace and quiet I only ever get to fully experience 8 hours a night.

After letting myself lay in the comfort of my bed with the occasional tormenting beep from the alarm clock, I've decided that I had enough.

I pull myself up, leaning on my arms to turn off the clock set on my phone. I steady my movements, because i know a rush of oncoming noise is about to reach my sensitive ears.

I wince when it does, but the feeling isn't new. I reach over a little more on my desk to grab my noise canceling earbuds, and slide them over and into my ears, enjoying the slightly muffled noise that came with it.

Almost, as if on cue, I hear a soft knock on my door.

"Trooper," the voice, that I can only recognize as my fathers says, he opens the door, revealing himself with a laundry basket balanced on his hip.

"Time for school!" He smiles at me, but it's fake and sarcastic. "Your favorite activity!" He says, drawing out the favorite to give off a more fake sense of cheerfulness. I hear him chuckle a silent 'yay' as I groan and flip over to burry myself back into my pillow.

"C'mon get up," he sighs knocking his fist on the already opened door.

"Uhh-huh. Fine—" I manage to groan out. Propping myself up again, but this time fully. He watches as I swing my legs to the side of my bed and forcefully pull myself up, the occasional pop of my joints follow.

"Ew.." dad grimaces at the popping sounds, I shoot him a look of confusion, "your just like your mother" he speaks, shutting the door as he exits my room, giving me enough time to get ready for school.



I don't like school, it's way to loud.

I'm only reminded of that when I sit down on the 'already too noisy' bus.

Dragging myself to the seat I had claimed at the beginning of the year, I almost walk right out of the bus once I see a familiar bottle blonde pop up from the seat behind me.

"Ash!" His creepy grin gets eerily wider when he speaks, "what, Aiden?"my voice sounds a little more irritated than I initially wanted it to, making me feel slightly bad for him. He drops back into his own seat, maybe he had gotten the hint that I didn't feel like talking. I am only proven wrong when he appears back to his previous spot but with his phone in hand.

"Taylor wants to know if you wanted to hang out with us?" He asks, waving the brightly lit screen in my face. I swat his hand away, "uhm—I'll think about it" I respond quickly, trying to change the conversation, "kk" he chirps," but tell her before Saturday!" He pulls his hand back. And sits down in his seat.

Aiden had slowly weaseled his way into my everyday schedule.

I don't mind as much as I did before, sometimes it's nice to have someone to talk to, and he can be sweet at times, but my god he can't take a hint.

I felt kind of foolish waiting for him to appear again, but to my surprise he didn't.


Walking into school felt like walking into a concert with speakers set at max volume, it sucked. I mean—school sucks in general, but to have to be worried about your ears possibly bleeding or not just adds to the stress.

I made it to my locker, to be greeted by Taylor and Tyler the twins, and Logan.

It had been a year since going on the field trip, a year since Aiden randomly texted the history group chat to hangout, and a year since this odd group of kids stayed together.

it's been weird but a little pleasant to have at least some kids understand me, even if it may only be 5, i mean everybody brings something to the group, Tyler and me have the reasonable responses, Logan and Taylor bring the kindness and compassion, Ben has always had literally everybody's back in a situation, and Aiden— he brings the snacks?

I've kinda always been stuck on Aiden, from what I've seen, he hasn't actually given me something to respect him by. He's just there.. with this stupid grin he never seems to let go of.

By the time I realize I'm staring at him, I tear my eyes away to meet Taylor's.

"So, did Aiden tell you about Saturday?" Nodding, I ask, "I need more details than just a 'hangout'" she laughs a little, "I will get those to you" Taylor smiles, but its short lived, as the bell sounded, leaving only 30 seconds till you will be marked late for your class.

"Shit—" Tyler groans, "oh yeah—we need to go, by guys!" Taylor says, her voice chipper as ever as she pulls her twin away from the group, disappearing behind a corner.

I look up, slinging my bag tightly over my shoulder again, noticing how Logan already fled before the twins,

"alright!" Aiden claps his hands together, "let's go" I watch as he jogs briskly down the hallway,

"Ben." The silent boy looks over at me, "had there ever been a time where Aiden DOESNT have any energy" we begin to walk as the blonde boy rushes in front of us to our shared class. Ben sighs, huffing out a small laugh and shakes his head.

"Yeah—looks like it." I say, continuing to descend down the hall.

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