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Riddhima's pulse quickened as his gaze intensified, his eyes darkening with suspicion.

"How do you know him?"

he demanded, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

"I-I... I don't know him,"

Riddhima stammered, her voice trembling with fear under his penetrating stare.

A sinister chuckle escaped him, sending shivers down her spine.

"You know what, princess?" he murmured, his tone dripping with menace.

"I detest falsehoods, especially when they're uttered by the one I cherish the most."

Riddhima grappled with the awareness of her deception, burdened by the weight of the truth she dared not unveil.

"Speak, princess,"

Abhimanyu commanded, his voice resonating with authority.


he demanded, each word punctuated with an undertone of controlled rage.

Struggling to articulate her words, Riddhima faltered, sensing the intensity of his inquiry.

"I will not repeat myself,"

Abhimanyu asserted firmly, his tone betraying a simmering undercurrent of restrained fury.

"He was merely a college acquaintance,"

Riddhima finally managed to utter, her voice trailing off hesitantly. Yet, even as she spoke, she averted her gaze, unable to meet his piercing stare.

"Is there any further connection?"

Abhimanyu pressed on, his scrutiny unrelenting.


Riddhima stammered, her response tinged with evasion, her eyes betraying her discomfort.

As he displayed a photo on his cellphone, he remarked, "But from the looks of this photo, it appears that your relationship went beyond mere friendship."

Riddhima's shock was palpable as she stared at the image on Abhimanyu's device, realizing that the secret she had guarded so closely was now on the brink of exposure.

Fear began to grip her as the inevitable confrontation loomed before her.

"What's the matter, wifey? Can't seem to recall? Shall I refresh your memory?"

Abhimanyu's tone took on a warning edge, his words laden with implication.

"He was your boyfriend, wasn't he? The reason you hesitated to marry me? Am I correct?"

His voice rose in crescendo, punctuated by his demanding queries.

"Am I right?!"

he thundered, his anger escalating.

Riddhima flinched at the force of his voice, recoiling from the intensity of his interrogation.


he bellowed, his demand reverberating in the tense atmosphere.

"I... I'm sorry, please..."

she pleaded, her words trailing off in a desperate attempt to quell his fury.

"In our relationship, apologies hold no sway; every action carries repercussions. Yet, what you've committed is more than a misstep-it's betrayal. My wife, the sole individual I hold dearest, has fucking betrayed me!"

His voice reverberated with anguish as he unleashed his anguish.

In an instant, his hand connected with her cheek, sending her sprawling to the floor. She crumpled, her hand instinctively flying to the searing heat radiating from her throbbing cheeks.

Attempting to flee, she dashed towards the door, only to have her wrist seized in a vice-like grip, halting her escape. Pressing her against the wall, he imprisoned her with an unyielding hold.

"There's no escape from me. Despite your betrayal, you belong to me, and me alone. My love for you is immeasurable; without you, life loses its meaning. The mere thought of your departure is unbearable-it would be my demise,"

he declared, his voice resonating with a menacing edge.

Suddenly, he seized her lips with a forceful fervor, kissing her with an intensity that left no room for respite, depriving her even of the chance to catch her breath.

Riddhima is acutely conscious of the impending consequences awaiting her deceit, recognizing that Abhimanyu harbors a profound disdain for betrayal.

She braces herself for the inevitable retribution that awaits her transgression.


Warning -: This content contains adult themes and may include violence, sexual content, or other potentially disturbing material. Viewer discretion is advised.

This content is intended for mature audiences only and should not be viewed by individuals under the age of 18 or those who may be sensitive to explicit or abusive content.

Please be aware that engaging with this material may evoke strong emotional responses and could be triggering for some individuals who have experienced trauma or are sensitive to explicit content.

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