it's all my fault

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Diya's world went dark as she walked out of Sam's house, her heart heavy with emotions. She didn't notice the car speeding towards her until it was too late. The impact was immense, and everything went black.

When Diya opened her eyes again, she found herself in a hospital bed, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Dr. Adhrav and Dr. Dev, two skilled doctors, were attending to her injuries.

Just as Diya was trying to make sense of what happened, Dr. Adhrav's phone rang. He answered it, and his expression turned serious. "Anika, we need you here ASAP. Diya's been in an accident, and she's in critical condition."

Anika's voice was laced with worry on the other end of the line. "I'm on my way, Adhrav. What happened?"

Dr. Adhrav briefed Anika on Diya's condition, and she promised to bring Dhruv along with her.

As they waited for Anika and Dhruv to arrive, Dr. Dev took a moment to examine Diya's injuries more closely. "Adhrav, we need to act fast. Her internal bleeding is getting worse by the minute."

Dr. Adhrav nodded, his eyes locked on Diya's fragile form. "Let's get her into surgery, now."

Just then, Anika and Dhruv burst into the hospital room, their faces etched with concern. "Diya!" Anika rushed to her side, tears streaming down her face.

Dhruv's eyes met Dr. Adhrav's, and he knew the gravity of the situation. "How is she, Adhrav?"

Dr. Adhrav's expression was grim. "We need to operate, Dhruv. It's her only chance."

As the medical team rushed to prepare Diya for surgery, the group held their collective breath, praying for a miracle...

After 1 hr

The surgery was a blur, but the outcome was clear:
"Diya didn't make it". Dev said feeling sorry for her .
The group was devastated, and Anika's screams of grief echoed in the hospital corridors. Adhrav giving her his shoulder to cry while dhruv couldn't feel his legs as he fell tears streaming down his eyes but he couldn't say a single word .

(Dhruv pov )

"I am sorry diya ". It all happened because of me he said as he cried harder screaming her happy and jolly face flashed in front of his eyes there first meet their laughter everything flashed in front of his eyes .

The way she use to care for him the way she talked he was devastated and with heavy heart he left the hospital.

As anika saw him going she also broke down in adhravs arms watching both the friends of hers in great misery .

As she couldn't take the pain anymore and fainted in adhrav's arms adhrav took him to another hospital room and now only dev is left at the scene. Dev stood alone in the hospital corridor, the words "Diya didn't make it" echoing in his mind like a cruel mantra. He felt a crushing weight of guilt and grief, his eyes fixed on the spot where Diya's lifeless body lay just hours before. He remembered her bright smile, her infectious laughter, and her unwavering optimism. He recalled the way she made him feel, like he was home, like he was enough.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. It was the doctor, his face somber, his eyes filled with compassion.

"Dev, I'm so sorry," he said, placing a hand on Dev's shoulder. "We did everything we could, but...she was gone too soon."

Dev nodded, his eyes welling up with tears. "It's my fault," he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "I should have been there for her. I should have protected her."

The doctor's expression turned sympathetic. "Dev, you can't blame yourself. Accidents happen. It's no one's fault."

But Dev knew the truth. He knew that if he had been more attentive, more caring, more present, maybe Diya would still be alive. The thought haunted him, echoing in his mind like a cruel refrain.

As the doctor walked away, Dev felt a sense of emptiness washing over him. He was alone now, left to grapple with the weight of his grief, the weight of his guilt. He took one last look at the hospital room, at the spot where Diya's lifeless body lay, and turned away, his heart heavy with sorrow.

Three months later...
It's 3 am
(Anika pov )
I was laying inside my bed but sleep was nowhere to be seen in my eyes I picked up my phone
Ring ring ring .....
It was adhrav but why is he calling me this late what's the matter I thought receiving the call I said what's the matter adhrav ??

(Adhrav pov )
Need to tell you something important and I just wanted to ask have you noticed something about dev. He is missing since the day diya died do you know him who is he to diya he seemed close to her have you ever heard from her mentioning dev .

(Anika pov )

That's the same question I wanted to ask you on the day she died I thought he was your colleague that helped you operate her .

(Adhrav pov )
But I was never with him in the operation room he was all alone cause I am a cardiologist and he is neurologist and diya had internal bleeding in her head so I just visited few time ..

(Anika pov )
What the hell adhrav how could you let anyone treat her ...
I thought you knew him .
Why do I feel something off here ..

(Adhrav pov)
I feel the same thing and just think for once diya died but none of her family
Members ever contacted you or her about what's happening??

(Anika pov )
Now only this dev guy can solve the mystery and give us our answers but where will we find him .and the question is how ??

(Adhrav pov )
I know how can we do this but first we need to do something to save dhruv.
Sam and him are getting married !!

(Anika pov )
When , why and where ??
Has dhruv gone mad that women ruined so many lives and still not leaving him
Just tell me when is he getting married
He can't do it at any cost .

(Adhrav pov )
Meet me Tomorrow I will tell you in person .

(Anika pov )
Okay then byee .
Take care
See you soon .

Adhrav pov
Yeah see you soon.

So guys that's it for today's chapter

Stay tuned
Take care .

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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