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 Melody pov

It's been 2 months since Corpse accused me of using him. Life went on. My views kept going up, even though I quit talking to everyone. 

I pretty much became a solo player. Mainly because I didn't want anyone to think I'm using them. I unfollowed Corpse and the rest of the group on everything (besides jack, pewds, and mark) and just kept going. Felix is pissed at Corpse for thinking I would do that, but I didn't mind. It's not the first time. I don't need anyone's help to get views. 

I've deleted all over the pictures of Corpse and I on all socials and went on like I never met him. Though the videos of us playing still exist, I don't acknowledge them. Everyone of my followers and his have been asking questions. Questions that will go unanswered. It's none of their business, but if Corpse wants to tell then that's his issue. 

"Alright guys. Tonight we're going to play Pokémon Violet. Try our luck in shiny hunting." I said. The chat rolling through, excited about a new video on the game. I'm grateful I can do videos on different games and everyone likes them. Thankfully I'm not stuck to one game. 

"What should we hunt for first?" I asked, watching all the names of the Pokemon come through


'You should hunt for a starter.'


'What happened with you and corpse?'




'You should ask Corpse.'

I tried my best from keeping my eyes from rolling about Corpse. Every few comments it's about him. 

"We could definitely do a starter. Which one?" 



'Ask corpses.'

'leave her alone about corpse. they clearly don't talk anymore.' 


"We will start with Tepig first." I announced. 

* 2 hours into stream*

We got 4 starters and currently hunting for a fifth when chat start blowing up again. 

'Omg corpse is talking about her.'

'Mel you need to go check it out.' 

'*links for corpse stream*'

'Oh god. you need to see this.'

'she needs to leave him alone. Werido.'

I ignored them and kept going. As much as I want to see what they were talking about, I don't want to give him the satisfaction. 

Finding the last starter, I ended up turning in for the night. I end stream with a sigh. My phone was blowing up with notification from Twitter.

It was a video of him talking about me. 


"Chat. Can you not talk about her? She isn't in my life anymore, and it's for the best." 

'What happened'

'Just tell us.'

'We hated her anyways.'

He snarled," It's not your business, but she was using me. She just wanted me around so she could use me for my view. She didn't care about me. So can we just drop it, I don't even want to hear her name anymore."

Rae giggles in the background before the video ended. 

I could feel the tears in my eyes, but didn't dare let them fall. I guess it's my turn to talk about it. 

{Lilmarble_offical: Okay so everyone has seen the video of Corpse talking about me. Which it's whatever but I'm not going to stand here and let him lie about me. I never used him, I didn't need him for the views, I never have, never will need anyone's help. I actually really enjoyed the times me and Corpse_husband spent together. 

If I'm being honest, I really was falling in love with him. He made me so happy and made me feel like I was worth more than gold. Until the day he left my home for the last time, and straight up accused me for using him.

 Without explanation on how or why he felt that way. I tried to fix it, to tell him I'm sorry he felt that way but he didn't care. He just told me to leave him alone and never speak to him again, so I did just that. I didn't want to bother him anymore or make him feel like the only reason I wanted to be with him was for his followers. 

So I'm here telling this out right. 

I NEVER used Corpse_husband for his view or followers. I NEVER wanted anything from him but his time and company. 

And Corpse. I know you will probably read this, just know when you plan of talking shit. Have the facts. And know that I loved you. 

Now don't make me post this stupid shit again." 

I posted the rant and turned off my phone. 

I think I might have just stirred the pot more, but at least my side of the story was released. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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