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I awoke in chains, bright red metal wrapped around my ankles and wrists. The chains are connected to a concrete floor, metal bars locking me in a small cage. I attempted to pull on the chains, but they only burn into my skin.

"You've rested well. How surprising." A woman with long ginger hair waited outside my prison, tracing her sharp fingertips along the bars of my enclosure. "How do you feel?"

I look down at my hands, a small red light glowing against them. "What has he done to me?", Finger shaped burns wrap my neck and arms, eyes glowing blood red as I look back to her.

"Can't you feel the power in your stomach?" She clenched her fists around the metal bars and hissed at me, a gentle grin wrapping her teeth like a bomb disguised as a birthday present. "The anger?"

"How long do I have to stay in here? I thought I was supposed to be helping." I slid down to the ground and crossed my legs, looking up at her with eyes of disgust.

"Why are you so upset? This is what you agreed to. You haven't spoken to Master in days."

"Nor do I intend to." I shot a glare to her lips. She's enjoying my frustration, they both are. An insatiable thirst for blood rests atop my tongue that I can't explain, my nails worn down to the skin from clawing at the concrete. Blood sits at my feet, coating my bare skin in the foul odor. "I'm not a monster, why am I being treated as such?"

"Because you now are one. Victor would have been a perfect candidate but your anger is far greater. I'm impressed." She pulled a human heart from her bag and tossed it at my feet, huffing in annoyance. "Once he's sure of your obedience, you'll be free to do as he asks."

I slid my hands around the beating organ and sunk my teeth into it, devouring the meat swiftly to keep my energy up. I'm unsure of what's changed inside of me, but it's all I can eat.

"Don't choke."

I slammed the heart down into the concrete and darted toward the bars of my enclosure, the entire cage shaking as I slammed my body into the door. I reach toward her body, a rageful screech exiting my lungs in her direction. She steps back to get a good look at me and avoid injury.

"How miserable..." she looks me up at down as I scream at the top of my lungs, clawing through the space between us in an attempt to attack her. "Quiet down, you'll wake the others."

I take a deep breath, stepping back from the iron bars. My hands tremble, blood smearing my lips and teeth. "Bring him to me."

"You don't get to make such demands." Distant screams of agony begin to arise further down the hall, making her sigh and kick at my door. "Now look what you've done."

"Don't you dare walk away from me, Lilith." My chest rises and falls with fire wrapped around my heart. She turned to leave me, heading slowly down the hall.

I try to catch my breath, screaming at the top of my lungs as I claw and bite at the bars, rattling the metal with each strike. I tear at my hair, scratching at my neck as the burn works it's way deeper into my skin. "Lilith!" My voice shakes the walls, riling up the other inmates. Im clearly not the first to fall into this trap.

Fire begins to spread through my veins, knocking me onto the floor as my screams of anger turn to torment. My body twists in discomfort, feet slamming into the metal over and over again. "You bitch! Let me out of here!"

I rip chunks of hair from my scalp, my esophagus ready to explode with such rage. It's madness. Pure madness.

"Silence." The devil appeared on the other side of my cage, staring daggers into my skull. I quickly jump to my feet and slam my body into the bars again, reaching toward him in anger. "This is why you're not allowed to roam on your own. The power flooding your body is too much for you to handle yet, you need to relax."

I spit in his face. "Fuck you."

He gently wiped the spit from the goat's eyes and sighed. "When you feel emotions less than anger, you'll be free to assist me. Until then, you need to calm down."

"Look what you've made me!" I shriek as loud as my lungs will let me, my entire body on fire. "I didn't ask for this!"

"If I open this door, will you attack me?"

"What does it matter? You'll kill me if I do, just let me out!" I shake the door.

"I have a task for you. I need to know you'll be clearheaded enough to handle it." He cocked his head in response.

"Wait, really?" My shoulders relax a bit. I haven't been let out since I arrived. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Good." He pulled a loop of keys from his back pocket and unlocked the door, stepping inside to unlock my chains. "I'm busy at the moment so I need you to retrieve something."

"That's it?" I furrowed my brows, annoyed he thinks so little of me. "I'm better than an errand girl."

"Not anymore. You do what I say when I say so. I'll deliver you to the right location, but from there you're on your own."

"What am I getting?"

"You're going to meet a man at the bar. You'll be making a trade, but I need you to lure him back here." He slid the chains off of my wrists, watching me gently rub the pain from my skin. "Give him this." He slipped a small cloth bag into my palm. "Tell him there's more where that came from."

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