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She led us through the woods, away from the path. After a short couple of hours, we arrived at a small hut hidden deep in the darkest parts of the forest. The wood is tinted a bit green, wooden stakes stuck into the dampened dirt of the front yard.

"I'll be going now." The gentle woman shook my hand and nodded to Victor before heading off on her own way. I took a moment to view my surroundings.

I eye the windows, too foggy to see inside. I turn to Victor, grabbing his hand and pointing one of his fingers to the front door that is cracked open, just enough to see light peeking through.

"Yes, I see the light." He nodded.

I stepped forward but his hand wrapped around my wrist tightly, rough bark clawing into my skin. I stood still, confused. "You're touching me." I looked down to his hand, watching it press each finger deep into my wrist. "We must be close!" Hope rang through my chest as I urged him forward. He only stood in place. "What're you waiting for?"

"I'm afraid."

"Of what? If she's gone, there's no danger. You have nothing to fear, Victor."

"I'm not sure. I have a bad feeling."

"I have to get out of here, Victor." I sighed . "You can stay behind if you must." I'm disappointed, but I understand. Things aren't always what they seem in this place.

"Eve." He spoke once more before I could head inside.

"What is it?"

He furrows his brows in determination, stamping one foot down into the dirt. "I'll be right here. I won't move."

"No matter what happens?"

"No matter what happens, I won't move. I'll wait for you." He repeated himself, confident of his choice. "I promise."

I gently pulled my hand from his and eyed the damage done to my wrist. A few scrapes, nothing I couldn't handle. "I'll hold you to that promise."

"Be careful."

"I will be, don't worry. I'll be in and out, five minutes." I turned on my heel and stepped through the front door, slowly closing it behind me as yellowish orange light warmed my skin.

Once inside, my toes began to regain feeling. A warm fire sat in the living room fireplace, an oddly normal home surrounding me. In the center of the floor, was a gold necklace with a blue amulet attached. I stood in place, unsure.

I wasn't exactly sure what to think. Was it really right there? An inch from my feet? Could it be a trick of some kind?

It's not like I really had a choice, so I stepped forward and leaned down to pick it up. As soon as it touched my fingers, the room blurred into a familiar masquerade ballroom.

Dancing men and women surround me, bumping into my shoulders at every spin. Again, my eyes land on a mask of raven feathers from across the large room.

"This can't be right." I stare at the only set of eyes I know, watching them disappear behind flowing dresses and tapping heels.

Something's telling me to go to him, but I refuse. Even as my eyes search for him in the room, I know better than to trust what I'm seeing.

"Where have you been?" The masked man appears at my side, grabbing ahold of my hand and pulling me to dance with him. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

Now that I'm so close, I can't look away. His eyes hold tightly to mine, stripping me bare of any sense I could've had. "I-...I can't remember." I wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Who are you? I feel like I know you."

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