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As we headed to Molgham, I twirled a sharpened stick between my fingers. It's strong enough that I can't break it on my own, so I'm sure it would make a good weapon if necessary.

Now that Victor is conscious and the devil has left us to our own devices, I'm on high alert. Especially now that I'm aware of his attempts to sabotage me.

"You seem on edge." Victor slugged behind me. He didn't remember what I had said about loving him, which oddly made me more comfortable around him.

"Wouldn't you rather have me on guard?"

"I guess so, but-"

I held my arm out to stop him when I heard something move ahead of us in the darkness. I can smell the ash from here, I know we're getting close to Molgham. The closer we walk, the more eyes I can feel burning into my skin. Someone is watching me.

After a moment, I began to walk again. My eyes dart from tree to tree, anger bubbling in my chest. My stomach begins to twist in an unfamiliar frustration, as if it's empty and rotting. That small itch only grows as we continue forward.

"We're gonna walk through Molgham?"

"Molgham is our ally now." I had forgotten to mention my experience in Molgham after my return. "To an extent but...I trust we will be safe." My stomach twists into knots, I can't shake the funny feeling.

"How did you get them on your side?"

"I helped put out the fire. They've been very kind to me in exchange."

He notices the guttural anger hidden in my tone, but decides not to comment on it. "They almost killed me, Eve." He seems uncertain about our destination. I can tell he's afraid to return.

"Why do you do that?"

"Hm?" He raised an eyebrow. "Do what?"

"Use my name when it's unnecessary. Why do you do that?" I want to hit him, but he'd forgotten our conversation. Id injure him unprovoked.

"Oh." He thought for a moment, but only a moment. "I'm not sure, just comes naturally I guess."

"Well, stop." I picked up pace, leaving him behind me again. I'm kicking rocks as I step, brows drawn close in desperation. I want out of here, but I know that's no longer a permanent option. As soon as I capture Mary, I'm as good as dead. "I don't like it."

I can see the ruins of Molgham in the distance, but I can still feel eyes on me. I refuse to let myself relax.

"I don't see why it matters. I don't know what else to call you."

"Don't call me anything, don't speak to me." My voice quickly snapped at him, but I wasn't meaning for it to. He followed closer.

"Have I done something wrong?"

I can't answer that question honestly, so I say nothing and continue forward. He gently tapped my shoulder. "Eve?"

I turned to face him, drawing my weapon back behind my head and shooting a glare his way. I'm only an inch from his chest, but I have to focus to stop myself from lunging my weapon forward. His concern twisted into an intense worry at the sight of me bowing up to him.

"We're almost there." He gently placed a hand on my sharpened stick and lowered it down to my side. "It's almost over. Don't let this place get to you."

"I-" I stare at him, feeling bad for threatening his safety. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on with me." I shook my head and turned back toward Molgham.

"Hey." He grabbed my hand before I could take a step forward. "You'll be okay."

I let those words sit with me before I pulled my arm away and headed into Molgham, dark mold appearing in splatters across the dirt path. Small particles of black ash could be seen floating nearby, getting caught in my hair and eyelashes. I merely wipe my eyes and swallow my self doubt.

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