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Thomas led me to the noble's palace, surrounded by guards in black and blue armor. They seem to recognize me before I even reach them. As I move closer, they cross their swords to block the entrance.

"We're here to visit the prison." Thomas held up the bag I'd given him. "I'm willing to pay for an escort."

The two guards exchanged a look before pulling their swords back to their side, motioning for us to go inside. "Ask for Noah, he will take you where you need to go."

"Thank you." I bow to them before leading Thomas inside and asking around for Noah. It seems like Thomas has been here before and knows his way around, but I try not to think about it.

The inside of the palace is too sparkly for my liking, diamonds and gold put on display like they were easy to find. I feel queasy, out of place.

"You must be Eve!" An old man with long gray hair wraps his arms around me tightly. "I was told you have something for me."

"Um, yes..." I gesture to Thomas, who shoves the bag in my hand. "I owe you more alright?" I ask him.

"Don't mention it." He shrugged before turning his attention to the older man. "Are you Noah?"

"Guilty." He chuckled. "You two need an escort to visit a prisoner, yes?"

"That's correct."

"I need to see Victor Hullan." I placed the bag in the old man's hand. "I can get more if I need to."

He peeks into the bag and grins wildly. "Right this way."

The man led us through beautiful hallways with art over a century old, ceilings adorned with riches. With each step, my shoes click against the tile.

The closer I get to the prison wing, the more uneasy I feel. What if he doesn't want to see me? He was so angry when I left, I can't imagine seeing me will do anything but upset him. Even so, I need it. My heart years for him the way my stomach yearns for blood.

Entering the prison wing, the prisoners begin to rattle the bars of their cages, shouting obscenities at us even though we weren't paying them any attention.

"Victor has been kept in isolation. I cannot promise safety during your visit. He doesn't tolerate the guards in his cell."

"I'll be safe." I swallowed, hammer tapping the back of my throat as I grew closer to the person I wanted more than anything in the entire world. "I know I will."

"For your sake, I hope you're right."

Thomas slid his hand into my own and gently squeezed his fingers between mine for reassurance. I take a deep breath and try to focus.

"Hey." He tugged on my hand, earning my attention. "It'll be okay."

"You didn't see him cry when I left." I pulled my hand away and walked ahead of them. I noticed a solid metal door with Victor's name on it, which made me stop and gently trace my fingers across the textured lettering. "Open it."

"I'll be locking it behind you. I'll be right here if you need out." Noah pulled a ring of keys from his pocket and unlocked the heavy door, opening it wide for me to walk in,

"Thank you." I stepped inside and eyed the room. It's a medium sized room with nothing but a toilet inside. The entire room is padded, including the floor.

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