Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

"Hey, Ari... How do I look?" Louis added a little cute twirl so I can see his full outfit. He seemed a little nervous when he asked me...

"You look.... ugly" 


"AHAHAHAHA! Calm down boobear, I was kidding... You look beautiful. Like a pretty... flower." 

I heard a sigh of relief from Louis. Geez, what's this boy all worked up about. I mean sure he's always asking me for my opinion on his outfit whenever he goes out with El but he's never been nervous about this kind of thing.

"I meeting El's parents..."

Damn it's like he read my mind. 

"Oh... That would explain why you're being a wittle gwumpy" 

"No... Not grumpy... just nervous. REALLY NERVOUS. What if her parents don't lik--"

I interrupted him from finishing his sentence. I don't like it when he has these silly little insecurities. I mean, he shouldn't be nervous... He's LOUIS TOMLINSON for crying out loud.

"UH-UH-UH Don't even dare say that. Of course they'll like you, You're her boyfriend. If she loves you and you love her... you'll be fine! Trust me Lou Lou" 

As Louis was about to speak, the doorbell rang. Louis immediately started fiddiling with his hand. He looked like a nervous cow to be honest... how many times do I have to tell him that he'll be fine? I flashed louis a quick smile before jogging to get door. 


I shouted so that everyone (Louis) in the house knows that she has arrived. I gave El a quick hug before hearing a set of footsteps coming from the Living Room... Must be Louis' .

"Hey, Babe"

He made his way around me to Eleanor and gave her a quick kiss... ok maybe a little longer kiss. 

"Err Guys... 16 YEAR OLD... umm... CHILD HERE..."

I don't think I would be very much comfortable watching live porn (well it was about to turn to it). 

El giggled at my remark whilst Louis looked rather red to me... Sorry Lou Lou.

"Oh.. uh... err sorry about that... umm... should we go El?."

El nodded in agreement and gave me a sweet smile before following Louis to his car. God, they make such a cute couple... with El being like a bloody Goddess and Louis the tanned skin handsome boy... Wow. They are good looking pair of Love birds. 

I made my way to the kitchen to grab a snack before I was set to leave for my interview.

Well what do you know, Niall's in the Kitchen eating the Nando's I bought... it was supposed to be for everyone but I guess "Everyones" just Niall now... but you know, you gotta love this leprechaun. 

"HEY ARI!" He gave me a cheerful smile before yet again, murdering the Chicken. 

"Wutt up ma hommie." I said as I walked past him, not to mention taking a chip from the bag. I went over to the cupboards and grabbed a pink, prawn cocktail flavoured bag of crisps. I took the spare can of pepsi on the table... I think it was Niall's spare... since he stopped eating when I took it, but went straight back to eating when he realised I ain't giving shit back. 

"Hey, can you tell the others I'm leaving for my interview, probs not coming back here... I'll be in my flat if you need me..." My flat... well it's a penthouse, was more like a little manson to be honest... it's actually bigger than my old house so... anyways, I live there on my own since we're in FUCKING AMERICA and my family have a life back in England. My flat's pretty close to the Boy's so I can basically just stay in whichever crib when I wanted to. 

"Yuuuh, Shoore" His mouth was still full of food when he said that, but he didn't fully open his mouth to speak, more like a tiny hole in the corner of his mouth. 

I sighed and gave him a quick hug from behind and made my way back to the living room to get my bag. 

"Bye Boys!"





I made my way through the door and closed it shut before making my way to the car. Of course I drive this is America, I'm a legal driver oh yeah... I did a little goofy dance in my head before reaching for the car door and opening it and driving away. 


(The Interview)


"Hello!" I giggled as I tried to speak. 

"Aw, Isn't she just adorable! So, how's your music going on...? I heard you're writing a new album. Not to mention, but guys... She's only 16 year's old, she has a platinum record, she's sold over 20 million records in europe alone!! WOW, how proud you must feel right now!"

"hahaha, aw, thank you so much. Um, yeah actually I am writing a new Album with the help of 5 very special boys... haha that's a sneak peak for you!"

"WHAT?! No way, You're collaborating with One Direction?! Speaking of Which, I heard you're in a very close relationship with each of the five boys am I correct?" 

"Um, Yes... they're my best friends actually. haha" 

"Wow, You're life must be on cloud nine right now... you're a successful young lady and very beautiful one I must say and to top that you're best friends with one of the world's biggest boy bands!"

"Yeah, it's pretty great! I count every single one of these things as a great blessing... specially the boys"

"Aw, ain't that cute... Sorry guys but that's all the time we have for today. Thank you Ari for coming here today! Stay tuned tomorrow to hear an interview from... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!... Beyonce!"

I flashed him a toothy smile before making my way out of the Radio Station along with my body guard... Wow, my fans have been outside for almost an hour waiting for me... That really is heart warming.

"OMG!!! ARII!!!! IT'S ARI!!!! OMG!!!!"




I signed a couple of T-shirts before taking a couple of photo's with the fans.

I then hopped into my car and blew a few kisses from my car window before driving away back to my penthouse.


YURYURYUR haha, finished the second chapter! 

Hope you guys liked this chappy and Please keep on reading my Fanfics! 

Thank you to everyone who's reading this Fanfic xo


~ Alyssa ~

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