02.13 - growing and changing

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By the time you read this, I will be long gone.

I've gone through this in my head over and over, and I know that I have to give myself up. None of you would do it, I couldn't ask you to, which is why I'm taking matters into my own hands.

Some of you will undoubtedly try to come after me. DON'T. Don't insult my memory. This is my last wish. This is how we live.

I want to thank you for loving me, caring about me, for being my family. I will miss each and every one of you, just as I think you'll miss me.

By this letter, you'll find a box, and inside that box you'll find my parting gifts to you, plus a few extra letters. Please give Judith hers when she's old enough to understand, and tell her all about her big sister.

You will all go on to live good lives, as the good people I know you are.

Take care,



"What are you doing?" A voice sounded from behind Cassie, startling her as it ripped through her ears.

Her head whipped in its direction, panic engulfing her. She let out a deep sigh as soon as she saw who it was, her eyes landing on the deep blue of her brothers.

His face was contorted with confusion, barely visible in the dim luminance his flashlight provided, shaking in his weakened grip. Olive wagged her tail expectantly at his heels, her fur brushed close against his legs.

"None of your business," She replied defensively, hiding the keys behind her back and hoping he would just go back to bed.

"You were leaving." He took a step forward, his face contorting in a way that hurt them both.

"Wha- No-" She scoffed, shifting nervously on her feet. "Are you sure you're not dreaming, because I think-"

"I'm not five, that's not gonna work." He rolled his eyes, kissing his teeth impatiently. "What are you actually-"

"Just keep your voice down," She hissed, pulling him away from the door, and sinking to her knees in front of him.

She sighed deeply, biting her lip as she tried to work out what to say to her brother, the little boy who'd already lost his mother, and who certainly wouldn't willingly give up his sister.

"Dad lied," She began. "There is a way to stop the war, and that is by giving me up."

"No. No way," He protested. "Dad would never-"

"I know. Dad doesn't know I'm going." She admitted, taking her brother's shoulders and gripping them tightly. "And it's gonna stay that way."

"No." He argued, shaking his head as he tried to leave her arms. "I can't just let you go."

"You can and you will." She assured. "If there was another way-."

"There is."

"There isn't."

"How can you say that?" He asked, each break and crack in his voice stabbing through his sister's heart.

"I will die, and no one else, here or there will have to suffer." Her eyes were brimming with tears now, her grip loose as her eyes desperately scanned her brother's face, reminding her why she didn't want to say goodbye.

"What about me? Dad? Everyone here?" He asked, his lip quivering.

"I guess that's just a sacrifice we have to make."

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