Chapter 2: Vile

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**Mature content ahead – reader discretion advised**


The concoctions are a risk.

The pregnancy is a risk.

It all is a risk. No matter what, there is a risk. A tug and pull at the unknown. Will the hybrid's plant genes react aggressively to the remedy and kill me as a result? Or will the hybrid's plant genes react to my very human body and kill me the moment it can't get anything more?

I guess the better question is, what will kill me first?

The remedy is unlikely, especially since Agatha has already made it clear that she doesn't want to risk anything with that, on top of believing it won't work, anyway. So, I won't be getting my hands on that. But she also seemed worried about the pregnancy itself.

But then I remember what she had said. That pregnancy is dangerous in general. Women die every day due to complications. It doesn't matter if the babies they carry are human or not. So, a risky pregnancy isn't exclusive to me, and yet, she had mentioned something else. What had she called it?

Extreme measures.

What does that mean? Is she referring to some kind of emergency cesarean section? I mean, I've heard those can be brutal, but I don't get the sense of urgency they would call for. Or is it some kind of late-term abortion? Maybe some kind of surgery.

In the end, I don't know. All I know is that I don't want this baby. I just don't want it. The thought of trying to take care of and raise another...being makes me shudder. There's no way I can do that. Just no way.

And let's say that my body is able to sustain and deliver the baby. I can't do that either. Going through with a pregnancy that I don't want. Knowing that my body would be having the life sucked out of it to nourish a thing I don't want, and then forced to undergo hours and hours of excruciating pain as that said thing is being expelled from my body.

I could vomit just thinking about it.

So, regardless, I'm fucked. Damned if I do and damned if I don't. Though, I could always try some other tactics. They're not guaranteed and will hurt like a bitch, but...

Throw myself down a flight of stairs. Maybe if I land right, it'll cause a miscarriage. It'll hurt like hell, and I might reinjure my ribs, but maybe...

I squeeze my eyes closed. Who am I kidding? I don't want to thrust myself down a whole flight of stairs. That can turn deadly and dire for me. If I hit my head or manage to fuck up my spine I'd be screwed. There's no walking away from a mistake like that.

And starvation won't work because even if I refuse to eat, my body will still pull from any of my own energy and reserves and feed it to the baby. In that case, I'd be suffering a lot more. Though, with how my stomach has been lately it might not be as far off as one would imagine. I can barely keep anything down, though I still credit that to nerves and anxiety.

Is there anything I can do? Are there any other remedies that might work? Anything? I just...

I don't want this.

**Hello, lovelies! Well, a chapter in Leilani's mind. She really doesn't want to have the baby, which fair. It's not for her. Once again, I'm not attacking anyone who has ever been in a similar situation – each person's body is their own. But she seems to be struggling. Poor girl. Don't worry, I have a plan...kinda. Stay tuned! Well, until the next chapter! Thank you so, so much for everything! Y'all are awesome sauce! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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