valentine special part 2

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Serena:-What's the matter Ash, why did you call me here
Ash:- Serena, please forgive me because I could not bring a rose just for you, if anyone would have known then people would have thought that there is something between us, so please I am sorry,
Serena:-don't worry Ash, you brought a rose for me, it's a big thing, thank you, I hold his hand and say, may God give everyone love like you, just let Misty's dream come true soon and our relationship comes in front of everyone, so that we can also be happy.
Clemont:-hey what are you guys talking about
Serena:- clement that ash was asking me that
Ash:- i was asking serena what should i gift to misty right so clemont what do you think
Clemont:-Brother, how can you ask me about the gift for my sister in law? Hey, you are lucky that you have got such a life, the most sweetest, the most beautiful and the most unique in the world, my dear sister in law.
Ash:-Brother please forgive me, I made a mistake by asking you, you keep praising Misty all day long, how much are you praising her here
Serena:-I also see that you praise Misty a lot, what's the matter, you don't praise me even this much, whereas I am your first friend
Clemont:-, you are my friend, but my relation with her is that of my sister in law, and anyway I love sister in law first of all, as they say, system in law is like a mother, well for me she cooks breakfast for us in the morning, then at night she cooks dinner for us, then she goes to office and also manages the office, that's why I am saying brother, you have got a very good wife.
Ash:-Yes this is true, Misty can manage it so much, maybe no one else can do it,
Clemont :-so brother what did you think, what are you going to give to  sister in law, This rose is from my side to you, thank you for being such a good friend, come on, I have written a something for you brother, we will meet you later, do tell me tomorrow what you are giving to your sister in law
In ash room
Ash see Misty is sleeping comfortably on bed when Ash goes close to her and is about to caress her forehead when Misty wakes up and asks
Misty:-what are you doing, why are you coming close to me and who gave you the right to touch me, don't forget we have only one deal with each other
Ash:-Why don't I even have the right to touch you and I wasn't touching you with any wrong intention, I was just caressing your forehead
Misty:-yes, so you don't need to do that either, I don't like it,
Ash:&?-what happened, why are you so angry,
did anyone say anything to you,
Misty:- no one said anything to me
Ash:-Let's leave all that aside, I will take you on a long drive today.
Misty:- Why is today so special that you have to take me on a long drive?
Ash:- Because today is Valentine's Day, can't I go with my friend on a long drive? Misty:-Ash, I don't believe in Valentine's Day. I don't like this day at all. It is the worst day of my life.
Ash:-Why do you hate Valentine's Day now
Misty:- because on this day my love left me and he said that we will meet on Valentine's Day so when he comes back only then I will celebrate Valentine's Day again.
Ash:-Do one thing, whatever is the name of your first love, it doesn't matter to me, keep on memorizing his name, keep on memorizing it, when you get tired then go to sleep, I am going to sleep, my friend, you have ruined the day, it's useless to talk to you, I was in a good mood,
Misty:- you Oh hello if I spoil your mood then it is very good that you don't talk to me because I am not dying to talk to you
Ash:-so I am also not dying to talk to you so don't talk to me
Misty:-yes you also don't do it I don't know when this marriage will end and I will be free from his clutchesuined that too.
Ash look at misty
Ash:-What do you keep telling me again and again that our marriage is a deal, our marriage will end, I know, I remember and on your insistence, I even talked to Serena, friend, you are also tired, I am also tired after going to the office, we both will sit, both of us will talk, both of us friends, but no, you have to fight with me and you have to take the name of that first love of yours
Misty:-You thought it was very good that two friends will sit together and talk but it will be better if we don't talk to each other because we always end up fighting whenever we talk, so you sleep comfortably on the bed, I am going to sleep on the floor, you will feel cold again, you won't feel cold, don't worry, if you feel cold on this then there is no need for you to worry, I can take care of myself, anyway I don't want to spend my life with you.
Ash:-yeah me too
Misty, don't you think that if we are friends, then there can be love between us too?
Misty:- No Ash, there can never be love between us because this heart of yours beats for someone else. There is a desire to fall in love. When two people meet, they feel a lot for each other, which you and Serena also did and I will pray with all my heart that you both become one.
Ash:-Thank you for thinking so much about me I will also pray to God that your first love returns and you both become one
It is said that two swords cannot stay in one sheath. Similarly, the paths of these two are very different. These two are like two banks of a river. They can never meet. But I will try my best to bring these two together.
See you at next part

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