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Ash went for a dinner with her mother
Ash:-Mom, you know here in this resort, during dinner time, special people listen to songs, it is very nice
Delia:-Really, this is a very good thing
Serena come with Our heart queen Misty
Serena start singing
I found someone I found someone What has happened to me Why am I lost Was I mad before or have I become mad now Eyes are flowing and hair are wet Have you made this the condition of mine I found someone My heart is lost What should I tell you friends I am shaken
Misty start sing with serena
Misty:-I don't know what has happened to me, people have started asking me
Serena:- if this is madness, we also want to know what has happened to you
Misty:-Till yesterday I was fully conscious and my heart was filled with joy
Serena:-Then why is there this restlessness? Then why is there this impatience? Has anyone got lost?
Misty:-I found someone, my heart is gone, what should I tell you friends, I have forgotten, I have found someone,
Serena:-Who has come like a cloud, who has taken over my heart like this?
Misty:-I want to tell you but I am unable to say what is his name
Serena:-O name drains, say something, give me a slight hint.
he is in my eyes and in my breath. I want to tell you more about him
Misty:-I found someone
Serena:- found someone,
my heart is gone
Serena:-my heart is gone
Misty:-what should I tell you friends serena:-what should I tell you friends
Misty:-,I am shaken
Serena :-I was shaken.
I found someone I found
SERENA:-So friends, I hope you liked our song
Misty:-If you like it then say yes
Ash and everyone
Ash:-yes I shouted a lot
Delia:-This is strange today Ash, you shouldn't have done this, why are you shouting so much, it's just a song, both of them sing well
Daisy go towards Delia and Ash
Daisy:-I hope you both liked the song
Delia:-Yes, I liked it very much. Both of them sing very well Has any of your singers fallen in love that she wrote this song
Daisy:-Actually this is written by our top singer Serena she loves singing and dancing and she has very nice and good nature and she is always ready to help and talks nicely to everyone
Delia:-It's great that she is so nice and beautiful too. That girl, who is she with orange hair?
Daisy:-Oh, that's my sister Misty. She has just finished her schooling. She comes to visit me so she can learn something about the business.
Delia:-Oh that's even good, you know everyone in our family is into business. Please call her, we'll meet Misty
Daisy call misty
Daisy:-Meet them This is Miss Delia Ketchum This is Ash Ketchum. Their son
Misty:-nice to meet you mrs ketchum and mr ash ketchum
Ash:-you call me Ash
Daisy:-You know Mrs Delia Ketchum and Ash both do business, both have business
Misty:-You guys do business, so what kind of business do you both have, Mrs Ketchum?
Delia:-This is a good thing but why do you need to do business? You know, in my house, both my sons do business. Girls are not allowed to work outside in our house and I also want a daughter-in-law who does not work outside.
Misty:-Oh well if that is the case then your thinking is very old type. Aunty I don't like it. Girls can also do business outside, nowadays girls are ahead of boys
Daisy:-This is bad, you should not talk like this to the customer. Go away from here
Delia:-No, it doesn't matter, but it shouldn't have been said like that.
Daisy:-Please forgive her, actually our mom and dad left us when we were very young and since then I am at this moment, so she is a little emotional about her mom and dad and there is a boy who troubles her, so she considers herself equal to boys and doesn't like boys that much
Delia:-Yes, okay but you have not taught it to talk.
Daisy:-mam whatever she is my sister is very nice and I don't think she has said anything wrong
Delia:Yes, it is okay, I told you like this, we do not have to meet again. We are just guests here for a few moments. We do not have to make this relationship for life.
Misty run from there
Ash also go towards her
Ash:-Are you okay? Forgive me, my mom is a little old fashioned. If you felt bad about something
Misty:-No, I did not feel bad about what she said. In fact, when my elder sister talked about my mom and dad, I remembered them. But you are very different from your mom. You apologized to me for her. It is a very good thing. Thank you. If you need help with anything, then do tell me. Okay Ash.
Ash:-yes i need your help in one thing first you become my friend then i will tell you
Misty:-ok fine let's friend
Ash:- ok Well tell me do you know the girl who was singing with you, she sings so well and has written such a wonderful song?
Misty:-Yes, she is my friend. She often comes to this resort with her mom to perform, so we both decided that this time we should both perform? Did you like the song?
Ash:-Yes, I liked the song and the singer as well
Misty:-who serena you like her
Ash:-no not at all nothing
Misty:-1 minute You're the guy Serena was talking about yesterday. And you saved her. She was praising you so much?
Ash:-Did she really compliment me, did she like me and no, no. That's not what I meant?
Misty:-Don't worry, I will help you both to become friends.
Ash :-Hey thankyou
See you at next part

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