Ash save misty and lost serena number

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When Ash was going to his mom after saying goodbye to Serena, he saw
Rudy:-Misty baby I have been calling you for so many days why are you not picking up the call you know how much I miss you now that you have become mature so why don't we both get married anyway baby what is the use of having so much knowledge about business Look, marry me and I will treat you like a queen. I will weigh you in gold. You won't need all this.
Rudy start touching her cheeks
Misty slap him
Misty:-How many times have I stopped you, you will not agree by staying away from me, how many times have I told you that no, I am not interested but you did not listen, I have just slapped you, if you go further, you still do not know what all I can do
Rudy:-This will cost you very heavily baby and you will marry me, the marriage will take place and I will bring it soon in time and don't stop using your hands, otherwise if I go on my own, you don't know what I will do, you are going to become my wife, become my wife, there is no need to take it further
Misty:-Hey, if you utter one more word, what will I do to you? You don't know me. Get out, you are the one who wants to marry me. No one can expect from you that you will move ahead in life and do something on your own. Son, who is living a luxurious life on your dad's money, get out, you are the one who wants to marry me. You shouldn't even marry the sandal of my wings.
Rudy was about to slap Misty just then.
Ash:-Brother, whether you are a small thing or a big thing, a mischievous thing or anything else, it does not matter to me, but yes, if you still try to touch her then you do not know who I am.
Rudy:-Oh brother, whoever you are, you can deliver good dialogues but don't interfere in my conversation, otherwise you don't know that Rudy is a famous goon of this place.
Ash:-Well, now I know that you are a goon of this city, otherwise your face does not even look like that of a beggar.
Rudy:-What did you say? You are making a big mistake. Who are you?
Ash:-Well I am my mother's son and I treat enemies as enemies and friends as friends. My name is Ash and Misty's friend.
Rudy:-Now tell me one thing, you used to work in some dialogue film, but looking at your body, it doesn't seem that you will be able to fight with me.
Ash:-Whatever it is, I am good and at least I talk to girls with respect
Rudy:-It's enough, I have listened to your nonsense enough, now see what I do?
Rudy pulls out his gun and points it at Ash
Ash:-I am also my mother's son. Let me see what you can do? Fire the bullet
Misty comes in front of him and speaks.
Misty:-Look Rudy, this is our customer, don't behave like this with him, otherwise our business can shut down, this behavior of yours is not right, you should get out of here right now.
Rudy:-Okay baby if you stay then I am leaving right now. Otherwise today a dead body will be sent from this boy's house and Misty baby start preparing for our marriage because that time is going to come very soon
Rudy go from there
Misty:-Are you crazy? Why were you putting your life in danger, you don't understand. You are our customer. If something happens to you, we both are friends and I cannot lose my friend. He is a dangerous goon of this city. You have been after me for many years. I have become used to fighting. At least you don't ruin your life. And anyway, I and my elder sister are going to leave from here in a few days and will go to some other region.
Ash:-Oh There is nothing like that, as a friend I am helping you and why are you stopping me, leave it, by the way you are very brave, you fight all the and goons alone, you did not even need me, you did not even call anyone,i like your style, you are strong
Misty:-thankyou ash Well, you have talked a lot about it, your mom must be waiting for you take care
Ash:-yeah you too
While Ash was on the way
Delia:-If you like any girl then tell me and I will get you married to her
Ash:-No mom I don't like any girl
In his mind
I just want to introduce her to you in a little while so that you too like her. Then I look at my hand and I see that my number is erased.Her photo is in my phone. When Ash's car goes a little out of balance, his phone is thrown out. He quickly goes to the square to pick up his phone, then a car climbs over her phone and goes away.
No, my phone is broken. What do I do now?
Delia:-I get out of the car and it's alright. Dear, a new phone will arrive, don't worry.
See you at next part bye

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