Misty ash fight

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Ash Misty goes to a restaurant and Ash orders Misty's favorite dish
Ash:-Tell me Misty how did you like this place
Misty:-this place is very good Ash but there was no need to bring you to that expensive restaurant but never mind I will return it to you
Ash:-Misty, don't I even have the right to take you to a restaurant and serve you some food and why do you keep reminding me that our marriage is just a deal?
Misty:-Because our marriage is really a compromise marriage. As soon as my elder sister's dream is fulfilled, I will leave your life.
Ash:-But even before this compromise marriage, we had a relationship, right? Why do you forget that?
Misty:-Ash, we were friends but ever since you married me, this friendship has started to seem fake to me, just like our marriage
Ash:-Misty but
Misty:- Ash I don't want to eat in a restaurant we are going home if you want to eat then you can eat I won't eat I am leaving
Ash:-She starts to stand up, then I hold her hand and say why do you always get angry, if you like to fight with me then why do you taunt me like this again and again, if you don't feel like eating at the restaurant then it's okay, we will not eat there, you know Misty, how many times I have forgotten to try, you will definitely remind me that our marriage is just a compromise, okay from today onwards, I will also stay within the limits of this marriage and will forget that we were ever friends because I have tried a lot to make you happy, but you are never happy with me.
Misty:-Our marriage would have been a happy marriage if there was love and consent in our marriage. It is just a game of time. My sister left me and you came into my life. Perhaps in this compromised marriage, it is destined that we will meet and go apart. That is why you will get nothing from this marriage, only sadness. I still say that I will start my own business. I will leave your house and will do something for you and Serena.
Ash:-Stop it, I think I made a mistake by bringing you here.
Misty:-Yes, then why did you bring me here? You asked me to come to the restaurant and now you are shouting at me. I should not have come with you. I should not have even said yes.
Ash and misty reach home
Clemont:-Brother, your date has come, I mean how was the meeting between you two, did the client say yes,
Ash:- yes, I call serena
Serena, have you prepared something to eat? I am very hungry. Please give me something to eat.
Serena:-Okay, I will also bring it.
Clemont:-Ash Bro, why are you so angry? What happened? Did you fight with your sister in law?Because you went to a restaurant to eat but you didn't eat
Misty:-Yes, Clement, we ate a lot but he fed me a lot, most of all his taunts and then emotional talks in which I have no interest.
Ash:-Look, I don't need to tell you here what we talked about.
Serena brings food and gives it to Ash and Misty. Misty, Ash,
Serena:- I made Clement and your favourite food today, so you guys must eat it.
Misty:-No, I have eaten a lot, my stomach is full, I am going to sleep.
In room
Ash enter in his room he see misty sleep on the floor
Ash:-What are you doing? Why are you sleeping on the ground
Misty:-because this is my right place and I have no interest in sleeping on the same bed with you. Our marriage is not real.
Ash:- It is good that you found out that your right place is on this ground only, so right here.
Ash misty sleep
Misty:-i started crying Daisy if you were alive right now I wouldn't have to live with these people I wish I would have never called Ash that day to save us then my life would have been ruined today but you would have been with me
In night
Misty starts shivering from the cold. When Ash hears her voice he quickly wakes up and sees Misty.
Ash:-I go near her and touch her hand. Her whole body is burning with fever. I lift her in my arms and take her to the bed.
This girl is so stubborn, she never improves, she knows that she will catch cold, still she went and slept on the ground,
Misty wake up in the morning
And see she sleeps in ash arm And she also sees that Ash is lying tightly to her and is sleeping and she sees a bandage on her head
Misty smile
Misty:-Even after I was so angry, he helped me with fever. Truly, I will never understand this boy.
I am absolutely fine, I leave him sleeping and take a bath and cook Ash's favourite food
In kitchen
Serena:-What's the matter Misty, today also you are making breakfast, you should have called me I would have helped you,
Misty:- no Serena, it's okay, she was making her favorite dish for ash to say thank him
Serena:-you, thank him, thank you for what and you have to thank Ash,
Misty:- no, actually no, Ash went against his mom and raised his voice for me, that's why I want to say thank you, I didn't get a chance to say thank you, so I thought I will make my favorite dish for ash just don't think of anything more than that.
Serena:-Don't worry I know you will never hurt me you are my very good friend Misty and you will never do anything that will hurt me
See you at next part bye

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