CHAPTER 4: I'll be waiting!

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Everything went wrong!

I don't know what was going through my mind when last night I said that today, everything would be okay. Ironically, I remembered that I hadn't set the alarm clock to go off. I only woke up because of Taerae's loud alarm clock, so loud that I could hear it from my room, even with the door closed. However... it was already 6:30 in the morning - I should have gotten up half an hour earlier. At some point in your student life, have you ever looked at your phone clock at dawn, right after opening your eyes, and seen that you were super late for school? So, this was the exact feeling I had. I jumped so high that it was as if I had received a huge shock. In a quick reflex, I ran to the bathroom to get ready. I didn't know I had the incredible ability to bathe, brush my teeth and get dressed in less than 10 minutes. Maybe it was a global record, but the world will never know. I couldn't even say goodbye to Taerae, who was still finding the strength to get up and probably couldn't explain why I was so busy in the morning. I just remember picking up my equipments and a red apple on the fruit bowl in the kitchen. Maybe it was part of my mate's diet, who works out, but I was in such despair that I couldn't even think about it. Later, I will buy him some more, as an apology.

When I thought it couldn't get worse, it got worse. I remembered that I had no idea how to get to the company - or how to use the subway - as I didn't know the city. I was supposed to have figured out the path the day before so I could memorize it, but all those situations occurred to me that... well, you know what I'm talking about. My delay was no longer enough, I was lost. I turned on the GPS on my phone so I could follow the path, but it said it was a journey of almost 40 minutes - walking. I had already accepted that I would get a lecture for being late on the first day. In a moment of desperation, I started waving at every car on the street, hoping to get a ride. At this point you might be thinking, "Hanbin, why didn't you just order a taxi?" The answer is: I don't know! The panic was already internalized within me so I couldn't think much about what to do. I think that, at the will of the Universe, a black car stopped in front of me, signaling for me to get in. I apologize to my family, who always said not to trust strangers, but at that point, I preferred to take the risk. I quickly got into the car and the driver was an elegant man, who seemed very serious. He asked me where my destination would be, so I told him: Pic-World Company. I know this name is a horrible pun, but obviously I've never been able to complain to anyone. This man, without saying any word, took me to the parking lot, which was in the underground of the company. When he parked the car, I was getting ready to leave. Suddenly, he turned off the engine and got out with me. That's when he told me that he was also an employee there. I was surprised as he had not shown any reaction previously, when I told him my destination. I think I was more surprised by the fact that he was very tall, almost 1.90. It was when he extended his right hand towards me with the intention of greeting me and immediately, said to me:

- Nice to meet you, my name is Choi Eunchan. I've never seen you around here before!

I quickly extended my hand back to shake his hand and said:

- Oh... Hello, my name is Hanbin! In fact, I'm starting to work here today, I came from another country and was selected by the company to come to Korea.

Eunchan seemed slightly surprised by the situation. Then, we walked together until the elevator that would take us to our job's floor - the 5th. He was probably the first person in this country that I met in a normal way - finally. We arrived at our office. Eunchan took me to another man with the intention of introduce me. When this guy turned to me, he gave me a slight smile, creasing his eyebrows. He was a very well dressed man, with super straight hair and wearing glasses. Ironically, this would be my boss. He greeted me with a wave and introduced himself:

- Hello, welcome, Mr. Hanbin! We were waiting for you. My name is Lee Euiwoong, but call me Lew if you wish, everyone knows me by that name.

He looked younger than me. I found it interesting to have him as a leader, as if it were a K-pop group where a younger member leads all the others (where have I heard this story?). Along with Mr. Eunchan, they started to introduce me to the company. The different sectors, office, meeting room, kitchen, rest area and all other places. Then, they showed me my office desk. I felt excited to see that this would be a corner that I would call "mine". They said they were going to leave so I could feel comfortable. Fortunately, Eunchan's desk was next to mine, separated only by a wooden divider. He said that if I need help I could let him know.

Fortunately, everything had gone well. The boss couldn't even notice that I arrived 20 minutes late. Apparently, Mr. Eunchan was late too. I started organizing my documents on the computer to make the process easier. It took a good few hours until I decided to go to the kitchen and get a cup of coffee, which would keep me focused for the rest of the day. There were several coffee machines in the room, It felt like I was in someone's mansion. I prepared myself a cup. I tried it with the tip of a spoon and it was really good, like a little happiness in life. As I turned around, I had the following - unfortunate - situation: I bumped into a guy and spilled all my drink on his clothes. At the same moment, as a quick reflex, I picked up a towel that was on the table and placed it on his belly, where I had poured the coffee.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do that, I should have been more careful!

A peaceful and mysterious voice answered me, as if he hadn't felt the pain of the coffee burn on his body:

- It's okay!

Suddenly, everything went silence. I only could hear this few words he said echoing in my mind, several times. When I slightly raise my eyes to see his face, I saw that mysterious man with pink hair, with a look of indifference towards what just happened. At the same moment, a sunlight appeared through the kitchen window and reflected on his face. At that moment, I had an old memory of the mysterious boy I met on the beach, almost two decades ago.

Who are you...?



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"I was very happy on the first day of job. I had to take a pic of this moment"


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