Chapter 21: A Lurking Danger

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The treeline at the forest's edge rippled as figures emerged, each spaced ten meters apart. The first, a male with dark features, immediately yielded the lead position to another, a tall figure with blonde hair.  The third member, a woman with fiery red hair, completed the trio. They advanced cautiously towards the Cullens, their movements echoing the wary respect of predators encountering a rival coven.

The dark-haired leader, a smile still lingering on his lips, strode towards Carlisle. "We thought we heard a game," he said, his voice relaxed, carrying a faint French lilt. "I'm Laurent," he introduced himself, gesturing to the others. "This is Victoria, and James."

Carlisle met him with a cordial smile. "I'm Carlisle. This is my family: Daniel, Emmett and Jasper, Rosalie, Esme and Alice, Edward and Bella." He pointed to each group in turn.

"Do you have room for a few more players?" Laurent inquired with a friendly air.

Carlisle mirrored the friendliness. "We were just wrapping up, actually. But another time, for sure. Are you planning on staying in the area for long?"

"We're headed north," Laurent explained. "Just curious to see who else was out and about. Haven't encountered any company in quite a while."

Daniel barely registered the rest of the conversation. His focus was laser-sharp, analyzing every movement, every subtle shift in posture. He had already scanned their deepest fears – weapons he could deploy if needed.

"Why not join us back at the house for a proper chat?" Carlisle's voice cut through Daniel's intense concentration. "We can show you the way, if you'd like to travel together. Emmett and Alice, perhaps you could accompany Edward and Bella to fetch the Jeep," he added casually, fully aware that Daniel wouldn't leave Rosalie's side.

Just as everyone began to move, a chain reaction unfolded. A gust of wind ruffled Bella's hair, sending her scent swirling through the group. Every vampire's nostrils flared, hunger igniting in their eyes. Edward turned rigid, a statue carved from ice.

The playful atmosphere shattered like a dropped glass. A tense stillness gripped everyone. James lurched forward, crouching low in a predatory stance. Daniel reacted with lightning speed, pushing himself in front of his family.

"What is this?" Laurent exclaimed, surprise in his features.

"She's with us," Carlisle declared forcefully.

James, disbelief etched on his face, took an involuntary step forward. "You brought... a snack?"

Adrenaline surged through Daniel. He slammed into James, shoving him back with enough force to break the momentum of his attack. "Not a step further," he growled, a warning laced with his power.

James and Victoria stiffened, instincts warring with the potent fear radiating from Daniel. They saw the raw terror in their eyes, the hesitation in their movements. A silent chorus of gratitude washed over the Cullens for Daniel and his gift.

Laurent's voice broke the standoff. "Seems we have much to learn about each other."

"Indeed," Carlisle replied, his voice cool and controlled.

Daniel caught a murmured command from Edward, "Let's go, Bella."

The sound of the Jeep starting pierced the tense silence. Daniel turned to Rosalie, his voice laced with urgency. "Rose, please go with them, love."

He received no answer, but the receding sound of footsteps confirmed she had obeyed. With a heavy sigh, he accepted that she was, at least for now, out of harm's way.

"I think it would be best if you left," he addressed Laurent, his tone firm but not hostile.

Laurent nodded, a semblance of understanding dawning on him. "Of course, James, Victoria, let's go." They retreated into the forest, their forms swallowed by the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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