Chapter 3: Echoes of Violence

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Years had passed. Daniel strode into the grand Volturi throne room, a canvas bag slung over his shoulder. Inside, three severed vampire heads awaited Aro's inspection. A triumphant grin stretched across his face, mirroring the sadistic expressions of Jane and Alec, who flanked him. Their bond, forged in blood and violence, had solidified. Their unique gifts – Daniel's nightmares, Jane's pain infliction, and Alec's numbing shadows – made them a formidable trio, a bulwark against any threat.

Aro, perched upon his obsidian throne, regarded their arrival with a hint of amusement. "Welcome back, children. Your swift return is commendable. Did you encounter any unforeseen obstacles?"

Daniel shrugged dismissively, the bag thudding as it hit the marble floor. Its gruesome contents spilled forth, a testament to their accomplishment. "Nothing noteworthy, Aro. We found the task...entertaining. We could have returned sooner, but..." He trailed off, glancing at Jane, whose chuckle held a dark edge. "Jane, well, she has a certain fondness for toying with her prey."

A flicker of something akin to annoyance crossed Caius's features. "Enough idle chatter," he intoned, his voice resonating with power. "The coven feast approaches. Take your positions among the guard and await the arrival of the meal."

Daniel rolled his eyes and retreated to his usual position. The rising murmur of tourists echoed through the Volturi castle halls. A wife snapped pictures of her oblivious husband, while an elderly couple marveled at the ancient tapestries and stained-glass windows. Blissfully unaware, they were inching closer to a fate they couldn't comprehend. Daniel watched with cold hunger glinting in his eyes, devoid of any human sympathy.

The heavy oak doors of the throne room swung shut, silencing the chatter and amplifying the tourists' unease. The opulent surroundings now felt oppressive. Aro's voice, deceptively welcoming, echoed through the chamber, marking the start of the macabre feast.

After a while, Daniel sauntered out of the room. Hunger satiated. He barked an order at a newly arrived vampire, gesturing towards the aftermath of the feeding frenzy. The young vampire, clueless about the Volturi hierarchy, scoffed. "I'm no servant, clean it yourself," he retorted.

A chilling laugh erupted from Daniel, echoing through the halls like a predator's snarl. Before the vampire could react, a surge of agonizing fear ripped through him. He crumpled to the floor, his screams raw and primal, threatening to tear his own throat. Daniel released him with a cruel smirk, only to yank the trembling vampire's head up by his hair.

The crimson tattoo on Daniel's neck – a blatant disregard for the Volturi's warnings about disrespecting Alec, Jane, or "the guy with the snake and dagger tattoo" - explained his foolish defiance. Recognition dawned on his face.

"Clean this mess, maggot," he growled, venom lacing his voice. "And never speak to me like that again. You dare not even look at me directly. Understood?"

Leaving the terrified vampire to contemplate his colossal mistake, Daniel disappeared into the shadows.


Several days had passed since Daniel came back from his mission. He found himself sharing a hearty laugh with Felix and Demetri, reminiscing about a particularly amusing mission. "And the look of sheer terror on her face!" Felix chuckled, shaking his head. "Please forgive me, I'm so sorry," he mimicked in a high-pitched voice, sending them all into another round of laughter.

"Yeah," Daniel chimed in, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "If you hurt her, I'll kill you!' the guy screeched. Not three seconds later, he was whimpering for mercy."

A sharp rap on the door interrupted their camaraderie. "Sorry to interrupt, Dan," Jane's voice filtered through, "but Aro is requesting your presence."

Daniel rose with a casual salute, planting a brotherly kiss on Jane's forehead. "Be back soon," he promised, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

He found Aro engrossed in a leather-bound tome within the vast main library. Clearing his throat, Daniel announced his arrival. Aro's gaze flickered upwards, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Ah, Daniel. I have a mission for you," he announced, his voice like silk.

Ever eager to please, Daniel straightened his posture. "Where am I headed, and who needs eliminating?" he inquired, a hint of a predatory smile playing on his lips.

Aro chuckled softly, enjoying the young vampire's enthusiasm. "Now, now, there's no need to be so bloodthirsty. You're going to Calgary, Canada. There have been some unusual killings stirring up trouble. A coven resides there – the Cullens. I doubt they're responsible; they adhere to a rather...unique diet. Still, best to investigate."

"Understood," Daniel responded, his expression hardening slightly. "Should I eliminate the entire coven, or investigate these murders first?"

"Patience, Daniel," Aro cautioned, a hint of warning in his voice. "The Cullens are to remain unharmed unless their involvement is proven. Your primary objective is to identify the rogue vampire causing this mayhem. And while you're in Canada, extend my regards to Carlisle. An old friend, wouldn't you agree?"

A glint of understanding passed between them. "Consider it done, Aro," Daniel confirmed, a determined glint flashing in his eyes.


Packing for undercover missions was a delicate dance between practicality and maintaining a human facade. This particular assignment required blending into a city for at least a month, necessitating a semblance of normalcy. Despite his immense vampire power, appearances mattered.

Daniel possessed a mere three items of significance. A delicate necklace held his mother's wedding ring, a tangible link to a life long lost. A weathered World War I soldier tag hung beside it, a constant reminder of the innocence he shed on foreign soil. Finally, there was the Mauser C96, a relic from 1914 that accompanied him everywhere. While a firearm held little practical value for a vampire of his caliber, the weapon served as a potent symbol.

The Great War had stolen everything from him – his brothers, his mother, his very humanity. All for a conflict that would eventually be dwarfed by the horrors of World War II and the countless wars that followed. Humans, he believed, were quick to brand vampires as monsters, conveniently blind to the true darkness that festered within their own species.

The gun, therefore, wasn't just a weapon; it was a grim reminder of humanity's capacity for cruelty, a constant fuel for his own apathy towards them.

With his meager belongings packed into an elegant leather duffel bag, Daniel stood at the entrance of his quarters. A pang of something akin to longing tugged at his chest. He had a past, a life before his eternity, and these items were only a reminder of what he lost. Still, there were goodbyes to be made and a mission to attend.

A wry smile touched Daniel's lips as he envisioned Jane's playful jabs and Alec's stoic silence, both laced with a subtle concern for their friend. They understood him in a way most couldn't, their own darkness echoing fragments of his own tormented past. A quick visit to their chambers, a shared joke, and a wordless understanding – that was all he craved.

Alec, ever the pragmatist, offered a gruff, "Come back in one piece, brother." Though they knew his immense power, solo missions inherently carried an element of risk. After all, they hadn't embarked on many separate tasks since Daniel got there, so in the last thirty-five years.

Jane, chimed in with a playful jab. "Don't screw this up, Daniel. I won't be there to babysit you if you get too carried away." Her teasing veiled a flicker of worry for her friend's well-being. He nudged her playfully, a laugh escaping his lips despite the weight of his mission. "Don't be a pain in the arse while I'm gone," he replied, his British accent surprisingly strong after all these decades.

With heartfelt goodbyes exchanged, Daniel headed out, one last lingering glance cast upon the imposing Volturi castle. Little did he know, this mission would set in motion a chain of events that would forever alter the course of his existence.

Author's note:

Hey, guess what? Daniel is close to meeting Rosalie! I'm so excited, I really want to explore their dynamic and write about it. By the way, are you liking the book so far?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. As always, comments, opinions, and constructive criticism are welcome, as well as votes!

Thank you for reading.

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